04 On my way to Aberdeen

1 minute read time.

It's been some time since I have been awake in the small hours!

I am currently on route to Aberdeen having chosen to undergo two weeks intensive mistletoe therapy. It feels like I am following a different path than many around me. I question if I should even share about my choices.

I feel confident that it is important to trust your instincts when deciding what to do. I had my meeting with the Oncologist last Tuesday and was pleasantly surprised that she appeared to support me in my choice not to follow her recommendation to have chemotherapy. I have the notes about it, although I haven't looked at them yet. My next step with the oncology department is to have a scan in six months time. 

Perhaps I am hoping for a miracle, but I imagine that all the alternative treatments I will have over the coming months will give rise to a positive outcome. Maybe not a cure but certainly achieving containment of my existing condition. 

It's challenging to accept the full implications of my diagnosis. I currently have no symptoms and feel really well. I am often greeted by comments of how I appear to be glowing. 

In many ways I feel like I have been set free, the diagnosis has been a catalyst to help me gain clarity on what really matters. I have been able to let go of many of my self imposed limiting beliefs that were holding me back and stopping me from living my best life.

I haven't been to Scotland for years. I love it here. I have a strong sense of homecoming, of belonging. (Possibly not surprising given both my parents are Scottish!). I am hoping to spend time seeking out beautiful places while I am here, maybe even go wild swimming if conditions allow. 
