After he has gone.......

  • Slammed by the grief monster today


    Doug would have been 54 today, we always went away for the weekend for our birthdays and I cannot help but wonder where we would have travelled this time.  Two years ago on his 52nd we had a wonderful weekend in Brighton of course last year he was not here and little can I remember anyway.

    Today I was expecting to spend time remembering in my own way this morning and then to potter on into today as I usually do on days…

  • Coming up to a year...


    6 days away from the first anniversary of the worst day of my life.  Cant help but think the 'this time last year' thoughts and whilst there is no way I would want him to go through the pain and despair again, I do so wish I could see/hear/touch/smell and hold him just one more time.

    I think I have come a long way in a year. I am realising that bad days are the normal but they are interspersed with more brighter…

  • 9 months on....Christmas....


    December is turning out to be a very difficult month, no tree up, no shopping done and today is the 11th! Oh I know I have time but I don't have the inclination, that's the problem.

    I actually forget on a daily basis that it is nearly Christmas, most days I wake up and struggle to remember what day it is! This is something that no one tells you.. your memory goes when you are grieving, some say it returns yet…

  • 6 months, 182days, 4368 minutes...of missing you

    Six months today since Doug left ....have been through a lot since that day. Went on holiday but in the end my daughter couldnt face staying so she is home now, my younger one is off to uni two weeks today and I find that no matter what life moves on! Still having counselling, still on anti depressants, still struggling along every day. I feel alone and scared most of the time, last night I had a horrid dream and woke…
  • Lonely and blue

    19 weeks in...depression settling in has increased antidepressants but i am not sure they are the answer. The tablets suppress all emotions so i cannot be happy if i tried to. Going on holiday in 4 weeks and really not bothered about it at all. Daughter number one emigrating at the same time and daughter number two off to university so by end of September I will have lost my husband, my dad and my two daughters…