Coming up to a year...

1 minute read time.

6 days away from the first anniversary of the worst day of my life.  Cant help but think the 'this time last year' thoughts and whilst there is no way I would want him to go through the pain and despair again, I do so wish I could see/hear/touch/smell and hold him just one more time.

I think I have come a long way in a year. I am realising that bad days are the normal but they are interspersed with more brighter days now. It has taken me nearly a year to realise that I need to take time out for me now, so I have handed in my notice at one job and the other job is still reduced to 3 days a week which is enough for now.

With the increased time I will have I think I am going to have to find something to focus on. I have already joined the gym and I think I will increase my time here and find a hobby....don't know what because I am good at nothing.

I am hoping that this year will bring the return of some of my memory - sometimes its embarrassing the things I forget, I write everything down so I don't miss events but I cannot remember which person has told me what!

I continue to read the posts on this site on a daily basis but do not reply anymore as there is nothing I can say to ease anyones pain and suffering....I realise that a year later too but I do wish all of you that take the time to read this, the best result you can possibly have x

  • FormerMember

    I've gone past the first year of first every things. Being with my cousin and her husband on the first anniversary of Laing's death was wonderful. I haven't wanted to use family to prop me up, preferring to let it all hang out in here and bore the pants off everybody daft enough to read my boring drivel.

    OK, that last bit isn't true. I have preferred not to rely on family and instead be in the forums and then blogging. I got some support, I know I have rubbed a few people up the wrong way, but we wouldn't be human if everything was sweetness an light all this, would we?

    I have moved on. It takes us all differently. What helped me was madly inviting a guy half my age I had known only a few weeks on the internet to join me in Venice. I even paid his fare, but it was worth every penny. Whether anything will come of it, time alone will tell, but I will always be grateful to Lenny for what he did to save my sanity and help restore my reason.

    I'm not suggesting everybody follows my lead, but doing something out of the ordinary isn't such a bad idea.

    I'm glad you're going to a gym, it increases your social life, and once you become a widow(er), it's amazing how many people drift away. It's also interesting how many new people you meet and accept you on your own terms. To them, I am eternally grateful, this include fellow widow(er)s I've met here and in real life as well as guys I've met on dating sites. It's very nice to have guys younger than me being interested. I must still have something going for me!

    Hang in there. There's still your life to enjoy. I wish you all the best.
