A Big Journey

  • 06/09/2013 - A Quick Update


    I'm back at work after a couple of days off and it was nice to have a couple of days to myself. Still not sure how I feel about being alone. Some days I'm fine, some days I'm a mess.

    We're currently waiting for my mum to have her next CT scan. They ideally wanted her to be on her chemo by now, or at least thinking about starting it but she's so weak and tired that they aren't going to do it yet. They've put…

  • 28/08/2013 - Time to Grow Up?


    Just like I knew I would, I regret posting that blog post yesterday. Reading it back I sound like such a petulant little child - I apologise to anyone who had the misfortune of stumbling across that and having to read it. I promise I am not normally like that! I swear!

    It all came from the fact that alot of bad things have happened to me and my family in the past two months and it's making everything else, all the silly…



    Seriously, if you're offended by bad language I suggest you don't read on.




    Why can't someone just give us a fucking break for once? Why?

    I'm not getting my bike now because apparently, somehow, we've got a bad credit rating. I literally have no idea how or why this has happened but basically, as far as lending…

  • 27/08/2013 - Another new week...


    I hate going back to work after the weekend, I miss my boyfriend so much. He's my best friend and he makes me feel so happy. I find it very hard to get through the day without him.

    That's all I have to say today for now - he's all I can think about :)

  • 24/08/2013 - Nightmares


    I've noticed over the past few weeks that I've started dreaming again.

    I've always been very interested in dreaming and have several books about it. A while ago I got heavily into teaching myself how to lucid dream, and unfortunately after that I 'stopped' dreaming completely.

    Last night we were watching TV and I must have dosed off for a minute.

    I had one of those really short but really vivid dreams…