28/08/2013 - Time to Grow Up?

2 minute read time.

Just like I knew I would, I regret posting that blog post yesterday. Reading it back I sound like such a petulant little child - I apologise to anyone who had the misfortune of stumbling across that and having to read it. I promise I am not normally like that! I swear!

It all came from the fact that alot of bad things have happened to me and my family in the past two months and it's making everything else, all the silly little things seem like big huge problems when they aren't. Some days I feel like I'm 13 again. So that's when we end up with situations like yesterday where one thing hasn't gone my way and it's like the whole world is ganging up on me and I just become a huge, melodramatic bubble of hormones, snot and tears.

My boyfriend is going through a hard time at the moment too, so despite my gushing ramblings about how wonderful things are with him at the moment - the reality is that they aren't really. Things are pretty hard right now for us both and we're trying to support each other as best as we can. We seem to be arguing alot recently and it's not easy. We'll be fine, we always are :)

My mum has her consultation on the 30th so I'm gonna go down and see her after that and see how she is. Reports from my sister suggest things aren't great at all at home right now and she's asked if she can stay with us again this weekend. My mum can be quite difficult when her head is in a certain place, I remember from the first time she was ill and she can be very, very difficult to live with. Last time she was ill I don't think she really spoke to me for about a year. It wasn't easy and if I can take that burden from my sister, I will.

Yesterday's blog post got me thinking though, about how I handle situations, especially at the moment. It's like I have reverted back to my teenage years where logical thinking just doesn't occur to me. I'm getting tired of myself and my constant moaning.

Today is an ok day minus the embarrassment of that blog. I've been doing pretty well and I've been communicating with people just fine. My boyfriend and I just finished a phonecall without arguing either which is a bonus. Small mercies eh?

  • FormerMember

    Don't be daft......you were Just having a rant.....It's better out than In!

    I'm glad your feeling a bit better today x

  • FormerMember

    Hi BlueHaze.  I don't think you should regret that blog post yesterday at all.  I still feel particularly embarrassed about one of mine ages ago where I admitted to everyone that I had a childish tantrum and tried to discharge myself from hospital.  I cringe at the memory but it's all part of the journey.  I think it helps others when you can truly express how you are feeling on a bad day.   Glad to hear that today is an OK day for you.  xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Marg - just what I needed to hear. I was going to delete that blog post but I thought that it would be important to keep it so I can watch my progress and learn from it :)

    And I think you're right, being able to express myself like that and not be judged for it is simply beyond words. What a wonderful support group we have here. Thank you again Marg, you've been a huge support xxx I hope today is a good day for you too <3 xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Blue Haze, you should not apologise for yesterday's blog and you have no reason to be embarrassed. The great thing about this site is that people can use it to be honest and say what they are really feeling. I think all of us whatever our experience of cancer is are used to putting on a face to the world and saying "fine" when you asked how things are. Well sometimes things are not fine, they are bloody awful and that is how you felt. I am way older than you and sometimes I feel about 7, completely lost and helpless. Other times I cope OK. Glad that maybe today was a bit better for you. Take care.