Personal Experiences

  • Community News : Ovarian Cancer- Anne's Story

    A picture of a person with 3 dogs around them and a house in the background

    March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month so to recognise this, Anne who is known as KralC on the Community, has kindly shared her blog post ‘Who…?’ to tell her story and spread further awareness of Ovarian Cancer.

    We would like to take the opportunity to thank Anne for sharing her personal experience with the wider Online Community and send our very best wishes to her with her ongoing treatment and…

  • Community News : Let’s talk about treatment: Prostate cancer and zoladex injections

    "Let's talk about treatment" written over a grey background, with a white mug, a notebook and a pencil on a table.

    In today’s Community News Blog, we’re kicking off Prostate cancer awareness month and our new “Let’s talk about treatment” series. This series will feature stories from members of the Online Community around what their treatment experience was like. Firstly, we have Roger, known as Pozthinker on the Online Community cancer forum. Roger was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011. They’re…

  • Community News : How reflexology helped me – Charlie’s story

    Pink flowers against a green hill

    In today’s Community News Blog, Charlie shares with us how reflexology has supported her throughout her cancer journey. Charlie was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent surgery in January this year. She wanted to share with all of you how a few simple techniques have helped her with stress, sleep, bowel movements and swelling. She’s kindly put together some videos for us, to show us some simple self-help reflexology…

  • Community News : “I just want to be me again” - Jon's story, volume 2

    Image of a waterfall

    We first heard from Jon in the first of his blog series where he talked about his diagnosis, and what led him to share his story. Our members often talk about ‘scanxiety’ and how difficult it is in the run up to getting a scan, and then waiting for results. In today’s blog, Jon talks a little more about his experience of ‘scanxiety’ and the impact it’s had on him.


    It’s been…

  • Community News : You never see it coming - Jon's story

    Jon had barely heard of penile cancer before his diagnosis at 40. To help raise awareness and share his experiences, he started sharing his story across social media to keep his family and friends up-to-date. This led to the knob blog, where Jon continues to talk about his experiences of diagnosis, treatment and side effects. In today’s Community News blog, Jon reflects on his experience with penile cancer, and how humour…

  • Community News : Cancer and me 35 years on - Vol 8 - Lanzarote & Menorca

    ‘Cancer & me 35 years on, vol 8’written in green and pink letters next to a photo of Willo smiling and wearing a red rose in her hair.

    On a very cold and grey January afternoon during a national lockdown, thinking about holiday memories can be a lovely pass time. National travel restrictions mean it may be a while before we can pack our suitcases excitedly again, but luckily today our guest blogger Willo, known on the Community as patsyann85, is here to tell us about her first holiday in Europe after recovering from her Abdominoperineal Resection procedure…

Personal Experiences