Post-menopause bleeding & 22mm endometrial lining. Awaiting diagnosis

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I’m sorry to disturb you all when I haven’t yet received a diagnosis. I’m just freaking out & am worried sick.

 I’m 5 yrs into menopause at age 42, started HRT 14 months ago & had a 12cm benign ovarian cyst removed 12 months ago, at which point my endometrial lining was 3mm.

I’ve had spotting intermittently for a few months, then a big 4 week bleed, which prompted a visit to the Dr & a pelvic ultrasound, which revealed my lining to be 22mm!

I’m awaiting my referral to gynaecologist but I’m scared as I’m assuming that I’ll need a biopsy but I know that I won’t be able to handle the pain of it as I can’t cope with smears as I have PTSD from a SA. 

How can my lining go from 3mm to 22mm in 12 months!?! Has anyone had any similar experiences of this please? 

I’m so sorry to disturb you all when you are fighting your own battles & I do not yet have a diagnosis, I just don’t know who to turn to as I do not want to worry my siblings or friends at this point.

 Thank you for listening, sending prayers to you all 

  • Hello Stormy_25

    Do not be concerned about disturbing anyone. It is what we are here for. It does not matter whether or not anyone has had a diagnosis or not. People are welcome to come on here if they have worries about cancer. 

    You have done the right thing in getting checked out but there can be different reasons for your symptoms. What they tend to do is to try to exclude the most serious potential causes first. 

    It is possible for the thickness of the endometrial lining to change. I will pop a link below that explains it a bit.

    Endometrial Hyperplasia: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    What would normally happen is a referral to the gynaecologist and this does usually include a biopsy. A biopsy is the only way of telling for sure whether any cancer is present. I can understand your worries about having a biopsy but sometimes these can be offered under general anaesthetic. When I went in for mine I spoke with the nurse the day before about what may happen at the appointment and found that it did help. When you get your referral letter, there should be a number you can call to talk about everything. 

    I can understand that it is a worrying time and I can remember it well myself. If talking things through would help, then please do give the Support Line a call. Sometimes expressing your fears can help. 

    if there is anything you want to ask about, please do so.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hysteroscopy is not a nice procedure. My friend is the same she was given a general anesthetic  worth asking if you could have the same  ..

  • Hi Jane,

    Thank you for your kind & informative reply. 

    I did mention the possibility of hyperplasia to the scanning lady, who said that happens slowly over time so she was concerned about the speed of growth. 

    I know I have to be patient & wait for more tests. I’m just so sad to be going through all this anxiety again as it was only 12 months ago that I had surgery for my cyst, and had the long & anxious wait for results. Now I’m here again! 

    I’m just hoping that they send me to a compassionate gynaecologist, who understands when I refuse all conscious examinations / tests as it’s physically impossible. 

    Thank you once again, I do hope that you are well. 

  • Thank you so much, once I get the appointment I’ll try & call them to give them the heads up as I don’t want to waste the gynaecologists time. 
    I hope that you are well. 

  • I am doing OK thank you .  Been a long road since diagnosed in April 24 , coming to the end now had radiotherapy therapy . Now 3 cycles down of 4 chemotherapy treatments .. 

    Wishing you well on your own journey to recovery. 

    Best wishes Stella x 

  • I am so pleased that you are doing ok. 
    You are so brave and have been through so much. Sending healing hugs to you Hugging 

  • I had already notified staff when I had TV ultrasound that I had problems with intimate exams. The staff were very helpful. I went on to have the biopsy under general anaesthetic. I have found there is now some understanding about trauma informed care amongst hospital staff which is good. I show staff a card with a sentence that I've chosen to explain my situation as I can find it difficult to talk about on occasion. 

    This is a great forum for support. It's a  worrying time waiting for the next step and lots of us identify with that. 

  • Hi,

    Thank you so much for your reply, I really appreciate it. 
    Thank you for your advice, I love the idea of a card to show staff. Unfortunately, I have been met with a lot of hostility from medical staff around this issue in the past, even when I have tried to explain the reason, which is traumatic in itself.

    I’ve been so anxious about the next step that I phoned the helpline. I spoke with a wonderful nurse who advised me to contact the gynaecologist’s secretary as soon as I receive my appointment letter and ask how I can communicate with the specialist prior to the appointment, in order to explain my situation so that they can be aware that conscious tests/exams are physically impossible.  I feel a little better now I have a plan. I just hope that the gynaecologist is understanding.

    I hope you are feeling better and are doing well? You have certainly been through so much, I hope I can be as brave as you. Thank you again. 

  • Honestly I'm not brave at all. I had anxiety medication for the tv scan! 

    I think there's still a long way to go isn't there with awareness of how we are not all the same. I've had some mixed responses!  

  • Might be due to the HRT.Apparently 50mm is upper limit of normal.Ask for a general anaesthetic.They tried to biopsy me in outpatients but I found it too painful so I had a GA and was home in 4 hours