Recent diagnosis

  • 27 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi, I have recently been diagnosed (last Monday) with triple negative breast cancer. Still processing, had a ct last week which didn’t show any other areas for concern, thankfully. MRI tomorrow and genetic testing. 

  • Hello ClaraM

    I hope you do not mind me replying as I had a different type of cancer. Hopefully by doing so it will bump your post.

    I am very sorry that you have had a diagnosis of triple negative breast cancer. I can remember my own diagnosis of cancer last year and although I was expecting it- it still came as a shock and you do indeed need time to process it all. 

    If talking things through would help then please do consider giving the Support Line a call. The number is below and they are lovely on there.

    It is promising that the CT last week did not show any other areas of concern. I hope that your MRI went ok and also the genetic testing, although I imagine those results may take a while.

    I wish you well with any treatment and if there is anything else you need, then please do ask.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi 

    I also have TNBC it’s scary but I had a lumpectomy in April, chemo started June till Sept then another op to clear margins Oct . Just waiting to consent for radio at end of Nov !! It has all been doable and the time has gone quick , some days and nights harder than others . Good luck on your journey the support you get on here will keep you going . Sending you a big hug x

  • Thank you so much for your reply and your support. X

  • Hi Bonnie Boo,  thank you for sharing your journey so far. It does help to hear people getting through it. I will be starting chemotherapy in the next few weeks, then a lumpectomy and may need lymph node removal too as it’s n one at least, 

    it’s so scary and the night time is really tough. 

  • Hi ClaraM

    Yes I remember when I was first diagnosed I was so scared I thought I was going die the next week .I cleared the house put everything in order and planned my funeral !!! Now I look back think gosh I had irrational thoughts !! The waiting is the worse part of the journey !! Once you have your treatment plan and get your head around that which is scary it makes sense and the fight begins . Chemo isn’t nice but it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be yes , felt sick , tired and had sore mouth no taste but can all be treated . I still went for walks with the dog met friends etc.. Everyone’s journey is different as are the side effects . Worse part of surgery was sore armpit from lymph node removal (3 ) I used a heart shaped cushion which was a godsend some hospitals  give them out I bought mine from esty . My outlook to life has changed live for today xxxx

  • My mum was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in Jan this year. She had 8 cycles of chemo (different types) and a lumpectomy / lymph nodes removed last week. Next steps to be decided but could be chemo and radio therapy.  My best advice is ask lots of questions when you're at your oncology appts as they are happy to answer. Keep talking to your friends or on this chat. I wish you well for the future. Sending positive vibes your way. X 

  • Hi Clara

    you are very lucky to have had a CT and MRI

    when I asked for scans I was told because it’s not in lymph’s they don’t scan for TN it’s not the protocol .Good luck with your journey x

  • Hope your mum is doing ok lots of love to you both x

  • Your post above reminded me of what my mum did... She got everything in order and wrote her own eulogy. Once she'd done that she focussed on what was ahead and has stayed positive since. It's a tough journey for you going through it but I'm grateful of the options to allow my mum and others like her to fight this. Lots of love to you and thanks for your lovely message. X