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Despite hearing how much more 'common' breast cancer is than a few years ago, I never thought I would be reading or even making comments on a forum. I guess it's a diagnosis I thought wouldn't happen to me.

In early May this year, I was diagnosed with Grade 3 IDC TNBC.  A total shock!

Apparently my tumour is quite far back so I wouldn't have felt it... it has been mentioned that I'm 'lucky' it was spotted during a routine breast screening. I don't feel particularly lucky with my diagnosis though.

Being told there's a chance it's is genetic, I have joined a trial, donating tissue samples, which I hope will be used for future research into this type of cancer.

My actual treatment starts next week with lumpectomy and sentimental node biopsy surgery which I'm anxious about and it's felt like a lifetime waiting for with thoughts that my cancer is growing huge.  But it's the worry of chemotherapy and radiotherapy that seems to jump into my head more often. 

Insomnia is not something I've experienced before but coping on about 4-5 hours sleep for the last month has been hard. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it get easier? Any top tips? 

Trying to keep a positive mindset as much as possible.

  • Hi 

    sorry to hear that you have joined the club , the waiting is the worse part of all , I was diagnosed the same as you in March . I had a lumpectomy and 3 lymph nodes removed in April.

    The lymph’s were clear but they found another cancer on the end of the clear margins that will need removing at some point.

    I see the oncologist on Wednesday for plan !! I too only sleep about 5 hrs a night and have since February when I went to the Gp with lump. My advice is don’t google as it’s all out of date stick to cancer now and this forum . You will feel better when things start to move I had myself dead and buried in the first month !! But now after the support of this group I feel much better .Take one day at a time and good luck xxx

  • Hi Welcome to the site.  It is early days for you and I have memories for what I felt when I was diagnosed in March 2022.  I won't tell you my treatment plan as it will be different to you. My advice for what it is worth.  Reach out for support both from professionals, friends and family.

    Take one day at a time and try not to jump too many fences at a time. 

    MacMillan, and Breast Cancer care became my go to sites other than my hospital.  Always write down your questions ready for each appointment and if you don't understand keep asking.  My husband was great and always came with me.  It helps to have someone with you.

    Keeping positive is great but don't beat yourself up when you are having an unhelpful moment.  We are not robots. 

    All the very best 

  • Hi    Wishing you all the best in your journey. You might be interested in my story which I have documented in this blog. A trip with triple negative breast cancer 

    Hoping you avoid the metastasis I now have, but 3 lessons leap out from my journey

    - if the pathology report from your lumpectomy reveals vascular invasion then ask them whether they intend to scan you for secondaries, and if not, why not. (I had a 1.8cm lump, no lymph node involvement with vascular invasion and an undetected secondary)

    - If you ever have a scan, chase and chase the results. 

    - Are they going to do any more tests to find out which type of TNBC you have. Eg. BRCA1 or 2 driven, PD-l1 positive. 

    All the best. 

  • Wishing you well with your treatment and thank you for your helpful comments.

  • Hi, that's very helpful thanks and I will take a look at your blog.  Sorry that you have experienced secondary areas. My lump was also measured at 18mm. I don't know much more beyond surgery though.

    I believe the DNA from the tissue samples they took for the research will be tested and hopefully I'll find out it is yes, no or inconclusive for BRCA1/ BRAC2 mutation but I don't think I get this information for several months. Unless they can tell this from the post op tests and margin check I'm told they do. 

  • Helpful advice thanks and hope your are now doing well after your treatment.