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  • Sometimes bad luck hit so badly and we blame ourselves by thinking our past and wish things would be better if could have done.......Our emotions are on the top of everything and the hormones level in our body increased so much that even made the situation  more worse.

    We can't reverse the past but by blaming ourselves we ruin our present.Our future is very unpredictable, such as my 24 years old son died of cancer within a year.He was healthy,  fit and there is no record of cancer in our family.

    Life is too short and we don't know what is around the corner,  you are lucky you are only kn stage 1 with high rate of curable cancer.Put yourself together and start enjoying the life.Make friends, go for a walk, have s dog if you can.Scegdule your day every day to keep yourself busy.

    Think about the people who have terminal cancer and have a limited time 

    Love Ghaz

  • That's sounds like a horrible run of luck. You can't choose your family and things can get strained, but it's never too late to reconnect. I expect they have more interest in your life than you think.

    Best wishes


  • So sorry to hear what you’ve been through in the last year. It’s very hard to comprehend but you have my sympathy. 

    I was diagnosed with TC last Christmas and found this site very helpful in giving me reassurance etc. Where in the country are you? 

    best of luck