Tiny 1mm bumps on the side of right testicle

  • 25 replies
  • 18 subscribers


I am recently noticed a tiny bump on my right testicle. That small it almost feels like grit under my scotum. 

Whether it is painfully or not is slightly confusing. When not touched it isnt sore, but is when I press on it (which id imagine would be normal - pressing on a part of your testicle). 

I have called the Drs today and have my appointment next week. But was wondering if anyone has experienced a bump this small. Online I always see grain of rice size or pea sized. I reckon this is about 1mm max. 

I don't really know the anatomy of a testicle so don't know if there's veins across the testicle itself and something to do with that. 



  • Waiting is a hard game to play. If it’s any help I found my cancer pretty early and although tiny it felt rock hard. Rock hard, like this isn’t right. 

    Personally I don’t see the point of putting you in for a less urgent ultrasound. In the whole scheme of things it’s not going to save anyone any time. It’s a 10 minute scan not a sex change. 

    Waiting will no doubt give you a positive result but if you can afford it (or have private health care) go private. I do for everything now. 

  • Yeah you’re not wrong. I might just go private. If you don’t mind me asking, how big was yours and where was it? I found this after I felt like I’d twisted them. Never felt it before but it’s very easy to miss given its size and location. 

  • Mine was I guess like half a pea. It was on the side. I had zero pain or other symptoms. 

  • Also, if yours is easy to miss it may well be insignificant like your doctor said. Once I found mine it was unmistakable. 

  • Ok thank you. Mines like a sesame seed near the epididymis and sometimes it feels like it’s vanished then I find it again.