Critical illness definition

  • 20 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Hi folks just new to the site and looking for any info on critical illness cover, I've had my op and right testical removed , and I've got a meeting with oncologist nurse next Thursday , my insurance company contacted me today and said I had a claim as long as cancer is invasive could anyone shed some light about this for me as I do not have a clue what they mean any info would be greatly appreciated thanks .

  • FormerMember


    what type of tumour do you have? Do you know yet?

    Most ts malignant tumours are invasive, ie they have the ability to spread and invade surrounding tissues. 

  • FormerMember

    Thanks for your reply I will hopefully find out on Thursday what type of Tumour I have when I get my results , my head is spinning with all different ways of describing tc and what to expect from this . Maybe I'm thinking to much or I've read to many horror story's with insurance company's not paying out or giving people a hard time , it's going to be hard enough living and worrying about this the rest of my life now without worrying about being financially secure . 

  • FormerMember

    Hi there

    I had a stage 1 seminoma and had an orchidectomy earlier this year followed by a single dose of carboplatin. My critical illness policy paid out immediately once I gave the insurance company a copy of the histology from my urologist. There was no need to persuade them, they just paid up in 24 hours which was a real comfort. If it was cancer then I think it's highly likely they will pay out. 

    Hope this is helpful and best of luck to you. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi tom thanks for your info everything is looking a bit more positive now thank you . 

  • Unknown said:

    Hi there

    I had a stage 1 seminoma and had an orchidectomy earlier this year followed by a single dose of carboplatin. My critical illness policy paid out immediately once I gave the insurance company a copy of the histology from my urologist. There was no need to persuade them, they just paid up in 24 hours which was a real comfort. If it was cancer then I think it's highly likely they will pay out. 

    Hope this is helpful and best of luck to you. 


    hi hope u don't mind me jumping this post? My husband has been diagnosed with stage 1 seminona but it had spread to the spermatic cord and nowhere else. I have called insurance and they asked for stage and grade before they told us if it's is covered or not. Which company was your insurance through?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to megan 1980

    My husband had stage 1 mixed germ cell with some vascular invasion. He had orchidectomy and 2 cycles BEP.  Our mortgage critical illness and Scottish widows critical illness paid out. 

  • I work in this area of insurance - all companies will pay out for a stage 1 seminoma.  It meets the ABI definition of cancer and companies offer at least this level of cover.

    Any problems, please let me know if I can help.

  • ScotSteve said:

    I work in this area of insurance - all companies will pay out for a stage 1 seminoma.  It meets the ABI definition of cancer and companies offer at least this level of cover.

    Any problems, please let me know if I can help.

    oh really that's good to know. We were just confused as they said it depends on stage and grade. Insurance doesn't matter it any easier but it's a positive in a rubbish situation. Will keep you updated x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to megan 1980

    Hi Megan,

    hope your husband is doing OK,

    I had non- seminoma stage 1B- confined to testicle but with vascular invasion.

    My critical illness insurance paid out without any problem with the report from my oncologist.

    I'm open to correction but I'd say early stage TC is probably the "best" scenario in which critical illness policies will pay out.

    As you said- I found the critical illness pay-out a positive in a crappy situation.  Now that I'm hopefully free and clear of this disease for good I'm hoping that what I put away from that pay-out may allow me to retire a year or two early in years to come!

    Best of luck to you and your husband in his recovery


  • Mark J said:

    Hi Megan,

    hope your husband is doing OK,

    I had non- seminoma stage 1B- confined to testicle but with vascular invasion.

    My critical illness insurance paid out without any problem with the report from my oncologist.

    I'm open to correction but I'd say early stage TC is probably the "best" scenario in which critical illness policies will pay out.

    Best of luck to you and your husband in his recovery


    I'd almost agree.... an early / small melanoma would also likely have an excellent prognosis but with less invasive surgery.  

    I've never had a small melanoma removed but I have had a large mole removed .... and the TC surgery was much worse!

    Best wishes
