Tiny 1mm bumps on the side of right testicle

  • 26 replies
  • 15 subscribers


I am recently noticed a tiny bump on my right testicle. That small it almost feels like grit under my scotum. 

Whether it is painfully or not is slightly confusing. When not touched it isnt sore, but is when I press on it (which id imagine would be normal - pressing on a part of your testicle). 

I have called the Drs today and have my appointment next week. But was wondering if anyone has experienced a bump this small. Online I always see grain of rice size or pea sized. I reckon this is about 1mm max. 

I don't really know the anatomy of a testicle so don't know if there's veins across the testicle itself and something to do with that. 



  • Any help would be great. Panicking for next week appointment 

  • Hi Crog

    Try not to panic.  It could be a whole range of things, and you've obviously spotted it really early.  Try and hold off from checking it too much. You'll just make it hurt and cause yourself more concern and send yourself into a spiral.

    Best wishes for your appointment.


  • Thanks very much G. I'll send an update after the appointment. 

  • 15.08.22:

    Just a quick update, just had my 1st Drs appointment. The dr said she believes it to be a small cyst but is organising blood tests to be taken and an 'urgent' ultrasound to be sure. This has got my head spinning, although shes gave me good news that she believes it to be a cyst, i keep thinking "what if the bloods come up with something worse?!" my mind is racing. 

    Myself and other half have recently found out were having our first baby, which is one of the reasons im getting any bumps checked out - but my anxiety is through the roof with this. 

    The Dr did say she was new, which might be a factor in the ultrasound AND blood tests.

    Any advice/comments/words of wisdom/calming whale music is very welcomed. 

  • Hi Crog 

    What the doctor has ordered is textbook standard process and you should be more worried if these things weren’t suggested. Your GP cannot rule anything in or out by feel alone and you need to know with absolute certainty what you are dealing with. Fingers crossed for you hopefully it is just a cyst!

    all the best 

  • Thanks Goldenball, appreciate the comment. I think my minds just racing but yeah i appreciate that by feel alone they cant ultimately determine what it is. Thanks for the support 

  • Update: [15-09-2022]

    I had my US today. There was an FY1 and im assuming a consultant telling him what to do. At the end the consultant told me they wouldnt be able to discuss the results, these are sent to the GP and from then they discuss it with me. 

    However all through the US, the consultant was telling the FY1 what everything is. (Which i was listening intently). 

    I didnt hear anything about 'masses' 'cancer' etc. Just that there was a couple of small cysts and something called a pearl - when googled its another word for calcification. 

    I also had my bloods done a few weeks ago but havent heard anything back. Id called the GP last monday and was told i'd be contacted if anything came back negative. 

    So im assuming everything is fine then - only part im unsure of is the pearl/calcification? Has anyone experienced having it and if so, whats next?



  • Obviously I’m no doctor so take anything I say with a grain of salt! When I had my ultrasound I was told the difference between a cyst and tumour is obvious (essentially a cyst is fluid based so there is a stark difference in how they are displayed in a scan). I remember praying mine was cyst like but alas it wasn’t. If it’s not a cyst it still doesn’t mean it’s cancerous but warrants further exploration or likely will be removed - ball and all). Regardless the ultrasound staff are not supposed to say anything, good or bad so please bare that in mind. I got told off after my ultrasound for fishing for info. She gave me nothing although kind of gave it away but wishing me “all the very best for my future…” as I sulked out of the room. Ha ha! 

    Good luck and let us know how you get on! 

  • Calcification is when your body encapsulates a foreign body with a hard coating. Maybe you've had an ingrowing hair follicle in your facial hair that goes hard and emerges as a tiny white hard calcified stone?  It's that. Like when an oyster creates a pearl around a foreign body.

    The ultrasound technician isn't supposed to say anything but mine certainly did. He was reading my body language as much as he was reading the machine.  After scanning the problem nut he said "let's just take a look further up your abdomen" and observed my reaction to that signal.  After saying my abdomen looked normal he did tell me that the testicle looked abnormal and closely monitored my reaction to that news. Because I was convinced I was getting the diagnosis anyway I didn't really react much and remained pretty relaxed.  I'll never forget what he said next "I honestly think this is going to be in a bucket by the end of the week".  After that he hustled on my behalf to get the consultant to see me within the hour and to get full CT done same day.

    So overall it sounds like you don't have anything to be too concerned about. If your US tech didn't give you any signals that there is a problem, and the language they were using doesn't relate to cancer, I would think your situation is positive.

    Best wishes


  • Hi thanks for responding, I reckon on any other occasion they wouldn't have said anything but because it was the consultant teaching the FY1 she was showing him what everything was. The key words I heard were normal (for the left testicle) then cyst and calcification on the left one. She did seem quite abrupt when I asked if we were looking good. Lol thought they'd appreciate some normal chat after looking at my nuts for 10mins. 

    Hopefully its nothing to be worried about or need an op for. 

    Will hopefully hear back from the GP soon. 
