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I've been given a triple wammy diagnosis 

1, Slidding hiatus Hernia 

2, Barretts esophagus 

3, Stomach cancer 

Have known since May

After endoscopy tests.

Which I find hard to understand as I don't feel ill.

  • I am so sorry to hear about your diagnosis.  That’s a lot to cope with!  Do you have a treatment plan?  It’s good that you are feeling well as that will help you cope with the treatment especially if you have to have chemo.

    Do post some more information and others who are in the same situation will help you through this!

    Good luck!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis… my cancer was found due to an endoscopy too. I had no symptoms just having it done due to my IBS flaring up more. I didn’t have a triple whammy like yourself so you’ve got a lot to process. 
    I do hope a treatment plan has been sorted for you. 
    Take care 


  • I’m sorry you’re here, I’m 29 and diagnosed in March with stomach cancer. I’ve got my operation Monday 5th August. How are you feeling? Do you have a treatment plan? 

  • Hi Michele, just wondering how you’re doing?xx 

  • Thanks Jac, I chased the secretary up today to see if any update on when I can expect a date for my op she gave me the 3rd week of August with a 99.9% it will happen then !!

    I know lists are long but by then it will be 10 weeks since my face to face with the consultant. 

    So fingers crossed she gets back to me soon with a 100% confirmed date x

  • Are you going straight to surgery first no chemo prior? What stage are you?xx 

  • Hi Vespa, thanks for message, I had the scops for the same reson as you, back in yes was a shock to be told what they found.

    Today I called the secretary and she said 99% chance I can have my Op on 19th August.  Have to wait for her to get back with me to confirm that date .


  • They are hoping to remove it all first. If not then Chemo.

    As for what stage I haven't a clue!!

    Must put that on my list to ask. With the specialist nurse today/tomorrow, hopefully she will phone me as left a message yesterday for her to ring me.


  • Fingers crossed for you the date will be the 19th, nothing worse than waiting. Have they not put you in touch with an oncology team yet? 


  • Are you in the uk? Normally they only do surgery first for stage 1 patients x