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I've been given a triple wammy diagnosis 

1, Slidding hiatus Hernia 

2, Barretts esophagus 

3, Stomach cancer 

Have known since May

After endoscopy tests.

Which I find hard to understand as I don't feel ill.

  • Me too.

    I've seen a specialist nurse just once at my face to face appointment. 

  • Ok… you can keep contacting them for advice. I can’t believe it’s taken so long for you to get a date and that you’ve had to chase them… 

  • Hi, yes I'm in the uk. 

    They found the cancer in 2 sites in my stomach. 

    they said they are not really big so must be stage 1.

  • Hi and sorry you find your self here, it’s an awful shock, I’m here for my husband who had his stomach removed 19 months ago. It was only found as he was having scans for kidney cancer ( he had his kidney removed about 6 years ago and doing well) also on the same scan they saw he had non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. That was put on hold while he had his stomach removed then had 12 radiotherapy for the lymphoma. His stomach cancer was stage 3 and he didn’t have chemo because of his age at the time 79, his hospital Notts said they don’t give it to older people as they don’t do so well with it. He’s doing amazing now at the age of 81, eats every thing apart from bread, his weight is stable. 
    Im just telling you this so you know there’s life after 3 cancers, I also know it can come back! but for now we go on our holidays and enjoy life.

    I hope everything goes well and you hear soon as the waiting is the worse. Take care xx

    Sue Xx