Stomach removal

  • 56 replies
  • 22 subscribers

I have just finished my flot chemo which became difficult.  The drugs were changed for the 4th cycle to try and ensure my body did not react so badly.  I had a CT scan last week but I have not seen the results. 

My consultant is proposing total stomach removal in 2 weeks time ( 4 weeks after my last chemo session)  which I am  surprised about as I thought there needed to be time for my body to recover from chemo.  I am still weak and have side effects.  We are meeting in a week to discuss.  Any views and, if applicable, how long was your gap between end of chemo and surgery? 

  • Hey David, hope your op went well today! You’ll probably be in surgery as I’m typing this. My op has been cancelled for 29th due to a personal issue with the surgeon and moved to the following Monday, so I might not see you! Good luck and hope your recovery goes well 

  • Hi Chloe You must be disappointed to have your surgery delayed but Professor George Hanna is so good, it’s worth waiting for him! 

    I read a guy called Nick’s Cancer Diary when I was going through treatment and found it very inspiring!

    His consultant was Professor Hanna!


    Life is what happens when you are making other plans!  
  • Hi Chloe, it's David here. Sorry but I have had some access issues so I am using my wife's account. 

    I have had my op and it went well.  It took less time than thought as there was none growing in the oesophagus.  It did take 6hrs.  I was surprised to learn that my lung would be deflated.  We had not been told that before.  

    The ICU was small where I spent 2 days.  It wasv busier than I thought it would be so it was good to get to the main ward. Quieter  but cramped.  Make sure you manage the pain but you will know that.  The booking in procedure was good but did take 30mins. 

    Good luck


  • Good to hear things went well for you, wishing you a good recovery David x

  • Aww brilliant! Glad it went well and I hope you have a smooth recovery! X 

  • When is your last chemo Jane?x 

  • I had my last session yesterday and the infusion disconnected this afternoon, all is going well and I will get 6 monthly scans. I am looking forward to getting back to work at the end of next month, I’m sure all will go well for you too x

  • Yay!!! So happy for you! I bet it’s such a relief, I hope you rang that bell loudly! Xx 

  • Thank you, some pain last night but plenty of pain relief.  Scar looking good

  • Thank you.  A tip for you, there is a lack of power points in the Hammersmith hospitals ward ( I assume female wards are the same as male wards) so if you want to recharge a mobile or a tablet I would bring a 2 or 3 plug adapter. 

    Best Wishes
