Stomach removal

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  • 22 subscribers

I have just finished my flot chemo which became difficult.  The drugs were changed for the 4th cycle to try and ensure my body did not react so badly.  I had a CT scan last week but I have not seen the results. 

My consultant is proposing total stomach removal in 2 weeks time ( 4 weeks after my last chemo session)  which I am  surprised about as I thought there needed to be time for my body to recover from chemo.  I am still weak and have side effects.  We are meeting in a week to discuss.  Any views and, if applicable, how long was your gap between end of chemo and surgery? 

  • Ahh thanks so much David! 

  • Its going well for me although much pain relief is required.  I have a chance of discharge today.  Waiting for doctors.  

    How are you doing? 

     Best wishes


  • Hi Chloe, have you been given a new date yet, I hope it won’t be too long for you xx

  • Yay that’s brilliant! How’s the eating going? 

  • Yeah it’s on Monday 5th :) my surgeon only operates on a Monday!xx

  • That’s good news, I’m sure you will be fine, I am eating well now and feeling alright as well, Fingers crossed you recover well too xx

  • Yay brilliant! I’m so ready to get the cancer evicted! Her rent is definitely due Rofl xx 

  • Sorry your op has been delayed

    The 'food' is extremely limited but I have eaten all given and although very small portions I have become full.  I was not allowed anything but water for 2 days after the op and then a choice of yogurt, jelly or ice cream.  These were in the smallest pots possible and basic but you could have 2 pots.  Tomato soup was added to the choice but I hate that. However the dietician said I bring in other clear soups which has no bits in it all.  My wife brought in packet Oxtail to mix with hotwater and this was approved.  So bring in some of your own unless Tomato is ok for you.  

    I was also now allowed flavoured  still water such as Volvic so bring some with you.

    Best Wishes


  • Baby steps! I’ve heard it gets a lot easier over time :) 

    yes I’ve bought some cuppa soups to bring with me! But I do like tomato soup! 

  • Good job you like tomato soup, it appears that’s all hospitals have!! I did have to educate the staff about portion sizes and having drinks either before or after food, they would bring a full bowl of soup or porridge , my question was how much is in the bowl and how much can I eat? Not so bad for me to work out but  it might not be as clear to others or the elderly, I used a washed out yogurt pot, I skipped the puréed meals as I really didn’t like them and asked for bread to put in the soup when I started eating soft foods x