Age 28 and stomach cancer

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I got my diagnosis 5 days ago, it started with reflux and epigastric pain in November last year, went for an OGD, told I had a stomach ulcer and hpylori. Given eradication, felt better, but reflux still there, had my repeat scope 6 weeks later and ulcer still there so a biopsy was taken… adenocarcinoma stage 2-3, not spread to any lymph nodes or organs.

I’m so angry that a biopsy wasn’t done on my first OGD, so so so angry!!! 
The plan now is, staging laproscopy, FLOT chemo, total gastrectomy, more chemo.

I am a nurse, and I am so worried about dying and I’m so worried about leaving my partner and my family behind.

Life doesn’t feel fair and I asking myself why me?

Has anyone had a similar diagnosis to me and is further along who can support me?

Thank you

Chloe x

  • Thank you chad, I’m so happy you’re doing well! Do you mind me asking what your official stage was? Okay if you don’t want to share this x 

  • Hi Chloe. I am so sorry you have to go through this. You are so young and my prayers are with you. I went through this last March 2023. Mine was stage 4, when they took my stomach out it went through the wall of stomach. Lymph nodes were fine. I found out after I came back from holidays at the age of 46. My youngest is 11. I was in shock denial angry and was cried non stop for three months. I am sure my eye sight has been affected due to non stop crying. I used to have chest pain (3 years) but doctors kept saying it’s stress. I had to go through private to find out it was stomach cancer and I also had hpylori. I did my own research which made me very depress. I must say few people on macmillan community group gave me so much encouragement. For example     

    And others under their chat and link. I think I took over their chat to ask so many questions and still do. They are very helpful and so much positive. I wrote my feeling and journey in those chats. 
    I am doing well now apart from few issue which again I will get over it. As I just have gone through this if you have any questions pls do ask me. Chemo is hard, especially after surgery but worth it. Best of luck. You will be okay very soon. My oncologist said it’s tough journey for 9 months after that it gets better. Xx

  • Hi Chloe

    I don't really recall any reference to what stage it was. Before the first four rounds of chemo I was told I had a 3cm tumour. I was then told that the tumour had shrunk and one month later in February 2021 I had a full gastrectomy and the removal of 25 lymph nodes

    Hope this helps I know you will get through it all

    Very best wishes 


  • Wow that’s amazing! I’m so glad you’re doing well Hearts️ are you now cancer free?xx 

  • Thank you chad! Mine is a 2cm tumour I believe! Did they find any cancer in your lymph nodes or were they all clear? 

  • Hi Chloe

    Traces in one which is why I was glad to have 4 rounds of flot after surgery. 

    That finished May 21st 2021 that happened to be my daughter's birthday. I go to St James Hospital once a year now for a review and I don't have any cancer.

    It will all work out for you Chloe

    Very best wishes 


  • Hi Chloe and I’m also sorry you find your self here, it’s a scary cancer but I’m sure you’ll do well. It’s my husband who had a TG 14 months ago, his was stage 3 and only found through having a Ct scan for kidney cancer, they also found at the same time he had lymphoma.  He didn’t have chemo because of his age 79 at the time ( they said they found over 75s didn’t do well with that chemo) his lymph nodes were clear as well, he was in hospital for just 7 days. Now he eats everything but just smaller portions. He’s absolutely fine. 
    Good luck to you and I hope it all goes well x

    Sue Xx
  • Yes I am. I will be having yearly scans and  blood test. You will be fine. It’s a tough journey but you will get through this. Having anxiety and worrying about future is normal feelings to have. It will get better. Xx Heart️

  • It’s so unfair. Disappointed

    You are right to feel angry about the delay, but if it’s any comfort - stage 2 or 3 they would have suggested the same treatment: chemo plus gastrectomy. 

  • My husband was diagnosed end of October, started a course of Flot about 4 weeks later, reflux and pain went after 2nd dose of ache o which the co sultans was happy with. Surgery took place on  4th March and doing well. Still gets tired but able to eat without pain and reflux, going for shorts walks and is driving short distances.  Stay positive, you will get through this. Xx