Abdominal sarcoma

  • 4 replies
  • 22 subscribers

Was just diagnosed with abdominal sarcoma last Monday have referral to sarcoma team and have mri  on Thursday. They have said sarcoma will be removed and that plastic surgeons will probably be involved in surgery. Emotions all over the place feel as tho it can't be real and they have made a mistake and then filled with panic and total dread. The waiting is awful. Trying to keep busy but can't get outside of my head.

  • Hi  

    Welcome to our community, I hope you find it both supportive and informative.

    I am Steve one of the community champions here. My experience with cancer is through my wife who has Leiomyosarcoma. Her path to diagnosis was rather long and so perhaps in her case it was almost something of a relief to finally be given a name to what she had.

    We have quite a lot of information about tests - and waiting - here, pretty much everyone struggles with this.

    Do post on here whenever, one thing I found really useful was to discover others with sarcoma as it is fairly rare it can be hard to find people who understand.



    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi Steve many thanks for your reply. I have mri on Thursday then hoping to get date for surgery. The waiting is the worst and disappointed that up until now I was told I had scar tissue that nothing could be done with and now have lump the size of a small melon. It was only found as I was referred for something different and surgeon said I needed ct for lump. Still can't really believe it! Anyway thanks again for taking time to reply. 


  • Oh Suzy it is terrifying isn't it and there are so many tests and scans to go through.  Where are you being treated?

    My husband was diagnosed with similar a very short time ago, he appears to be coping but I'm waiting for it to hit home. It has hit me hard but we both have complete trust in the medical team and try to look beyond all of the treatments and a new life that lays ahead. Life hopefully will adapt to a new way, I find 2 days of coping and one day of total meltdown. I hope you have someone really close to you my love, lean on them, we suffer too but helping you will help you both.

    Take care think ahead when this has all been dealt with. Xxxx

  • Thank you for your reply and sorry about your husband. The waiting between investigations appointments is like being left in a void not knowing what to do or think. Definitely OK days then awful days.my partner is very quiet and don't think he knows what to say. Best wishes for your husband glad you have a great team.
