Totally paranoid PDS Is still in me

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  • 13 subscribers

Hi I’m new to group and am struggling to come to terms with fact I’ve had pleamorphic dermal sarcoma. I had it on my head and it has been removed 7 weeks ago. I have been told by two independent consultants it’s all gone, narrow margins were clear then they took wider margins for precautionary measures before reconstruction and those margins also clear. They have done a physical examination of my  lymph nodes which all appear fine and I’ve had a chest xray that also was clear and am on four monthly review of lymph nodes and six monthly chest X-rays for surveillance. However I can’t get it out of my head that in the time it took them to diagnose (it took six months for them to diagnose as kept saying it was a fungal infection) that it’s in me somewhere else lurking. I didn’t know how to manage my anxiety or what to do. I had to speak to health insurance nurse today and just general conversation she just totally freaked me. Please don’t tell me your stories as I can’t open with my own journey let alone anyone else’s but any coping techniques would be gratefully received. Thank you x

  • Hi Davette

    I am sorry to hear of your sarcoma diagnosis. It sounds like the surgery has been successful and it is reassuring that the margins were clear. The physical examination and chest xray are also reassuring.

    I totally get the anxiety though. Once you have had a diagnosis of cancer I think that it is very normal to feel as you do and I certainly still worry about mine coming back. 

    I find talking through my worries does help. The Support Line on here is great and they understand how having the diagnosis and treatment can impact you. Would some counselling help? If you did call them they could also have a look in your local area and see if there is anything available. Some people find a Life after cancer course helpful.

    I also made lists- just writing down your worries and going through them step by step can help. So I would write something like What I am worried about on one side and then on the other side what was being done to deal with it. Sometimes then I would literally screw up the paper and throw away. Sometimes I would let myself have an hour where I would focus on my worries and then put them away to get on with my day. If I did then have something crop up I would mentally add it to the list for later. 

    So side 1- Worrying about it coming back Side 2 Regular checkups, knowing symptoms to look out for etc etc.

    Relaxation and taking time out can help. Having had cancer is naturally going to be a focus for a while but sometimes I did find taking a break would help- this could often be just going for a walk out side in nature- getting some fresh air and noticing some of the smaller things. With it being Spring there are lots of changes going on. Sitting in one place and worrying would make me feel worse, but a change of scene helped.

    Listening to music, watching the soaps, online jigsaws etc also helped. Its about what you find helps you really. 

    You have had cancer and it appears that they have removed it all and all the signs now are very positive. They are monitoring you regularly for any signs of trouble and for me I try to think of the anxiety as something that is positive and keeping me safe. I am more aware now probably of any changes or signs in my body that something is amiss and I would then get things checked out far quicker. Also because you are currently being monitored then you have direct access- so if something did happen you can call them straight away with no delays. So everything is being done now to keep you safe. The anxiety is very natural and understandable.



    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thank you Jane, all really sound and good advice. I am having counselling through work and also met with my cancer nurse today who did manage to reassure me. I like all your techniques and have been threatening to do a gratitude journal for weeks so am definitely going to start that today!  Thank you for taking the time to reply it has been very helpful and comforting x

  • Glad it helped - writing things down really helped me


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm