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I had Liposarcoma . I can’t complain. Although I do but not out loud. I had surgery, it was massive. What I don’t understand after 3 years being okay. My last scan was clear and yet there is a massive black cloud hanging over me. I’m going to be monitored for the next 7 years so I’m well looked after. The stress leading up to the scan is totally overwhelming. Does anyone else feel this way.

  • Hi  

    I'm sorry to read about your diagnosis and surgery. I've had a different cancer so I hope you don't mind me responding. By responding, it will place your post back at the top of the sarcomas group, so that it may be seen by more members of that group. 

    I have had 2 major surgeries in 2022, then treatment and I am currently stable. I have some idea of how you feel, other people expect us to be jolly and glad to be getting back to normal. They don't realise that there is no normal for us anymore. Have you thought about having counselling, your specialist nurse can refer you or Macmillan are offering sessions, this is the link https://www.macmillan.org.uk/cancer-information-and-support/get-help/emotional-help/bupa-counselling-and-emotional-well-being-support

    This group may be helpful to you  Life after cancer forum 

    Journalling can help, as can reading. I got a lot from Radical remissions by Kelly A Turner. The true stories are rare but it gave me hope when I had none at all. Have you a Maggie's Centre near you, they offer workshops and courses.

    I hope you find your own way forward. Best regards.

    A x

    What is a Community Champion?

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    Macmillan Support Helpline

    0808 808 00 00 

    7 days a week between 8am -8pm

  • Hi sistermoon,

    Thank you for your reply it is appreciated. I feel cancer is cancer wherever you have it in your body. You understand from what you have written. There is no normal. Thank you for all the information you have given me I am going to follow up on it. Especially the Life after cancer forum. I felt such a fraud asking for help, I haven’t cancer at the moment and feel others need it more than me. With the cancer I had there is no remission it’s ongoing and that I will need to deal with. Once again thank you.

    kind regards
