Myoxid liposarcoma

  • 1 reply
  • 17 subscribers

Hey I’m new here not really sure what to write , I have had one lot of surgery and due to have more surgery in a few weeks my ct scan results have come back but they have booked me in for a meeting wouldn’t tell me anything over the phone , I keep telling everyone I’m ok and I’m strong but I literally feel numb all the time , I’m trying to be so strong as there are many people in worse situations and I feel selfish for feeling like this 

  • Hi @gem84 and welcome to our community though always a little bit sorry to see anyone join our club.

    It is really common not discussing things on the phone as there are not the support services there and they may not have all the information they need either. Waiting for treatment is hard - we can all recognize that so no you are not selfish at all.

    Telling people we are strong is a lot easier than being it - but it can feel very helpful to your others - if they believe us. Saying there are people worse off too is not always helpful but then this is not like a competion.

    We wife has Leiomyosarcoma, her's is inoperable but a couple of rounds of chemo and they have managed to make it stable - with a lot of help we got to being happy living with cancer. Take it day by day and enjoy what we have.

    Glad you found us - we make a great team because these rare cancers can be quite challenging.



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