Growing lump...time passing

  • 1 reply
  • 17 subscribers

Hello all

Just feeling anxious because my lump (Voldelump / il lumpo bastardo etc) is now the size of an orange. It's a Synovial Sarcoma which started back in August last year the size of a pea and it has thrived since then. Mistakenly taken as a Baker's Cyst in October because very young GP didn't touch it. We have missed that less than 5cms window. I'm waiting for my meeting about treatment options on 15th May. I know there are some clinical trials in Manchester on Synovial Sarcoma which sound good. Has anyone had this? Has anyone opted for amputation? 

I'm keeping busy as much as energy allows especially in the garden pottering about and everyone is being so nice. I feel debilitated every time anyone is kind to me and I just cry which means I just can't even talk and feel rubbish.

  • Hello Pam04

    Am sorry to see that your lump is growing and is now the size of an orange. It must be very uncomfortable for you and a real worry. 

    I see that you have had a reply now on the Ask a Nurse section and I hope that has given you the support that you need. If there is anything else please do get in touch and we will try and point you in the right direction.

    I hope that your appointment on 15th goes as well as it comes and that you will have time to discuss all the treatment options and get a plan in place. 

    Take care



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