Post surgery and radiotherapy

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  • 16 subscribers
  1. Hi , I was diagnosed in march with de-differentiated liposarcoma in my rear right chest wall,  and had it surgically removed in April , I then had 5 weeks of radiotherapy which finished almost 2 weeks ago . After surgery I felt ok , in a lot of pain but mentally dealing with it . But now post therapy I'm not dealing with it as well . I still have a lot of pain , I'm unable to physically do what I used to , like work (I'm a leather worker , cutting and sewing for upholstery) . And I feel incredibly guilty not being at work . 
  2.  Is this normal to feel like this ? 
  • Hi

    Sorry to hear about your cancer diagnosis. The very simple answer to your question is yes your are perfectly normal to feel like that.

    Longer answer - if we look at after treatment we can see so normal we have a library about it.

    Interestingly we had a meeting at my work today talking about people who are carers. One of the questions that was asked was around the feelings of guilt people felt if they were letting their team down at work because they were absent for caring for their loved ones.  Being in good work is a known factor in supporting good mental health, this is one of the reasons that we changed from "sick notes" to "fit notes" than concentrate on what we could do rather than the things we cannot. It may be worth talking with your doctor and your employer to see if there is some way to get back to some kind of work even if not exactly what your did before.



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