Waiting for Biopsy results

  • 2 replies
  • 17 subscribers

Ahhhhhhh, the wait for results is just agonising. It has only been 2 weeks since my biopsy so I rang today and although some have been sent back they need to be sent to other specialists for further tests. The nurse explained it is a complex prosedure but my knee is playing up more now since the biopsy and working such a physical job as I do is becoming really difficult. Has anyone got any advice on how long the biopsy results take or is each case very individual, or any advice to ease this constant worry and lack of sleep etc etc etc

Thankyou all Heartpulse

  • Hi DanniWales welcome to the forum and I am sorry to hear how worried that you are but little wonder waiting for results. It is as the Nurse has said a complex procedure  as all the Specialists need to be in the same room at the same time or at least be able to report back to the central person with their thoughts on your biopsy results. Then a decision made about the plan is next and thats when you get seen and have a chat with them to know what the plan is for you. It is not unheard of for 3-4 weeks to go past but I assure you things will be happening in the background and when all is known fully you will be seen.  The trick is to keep super busy and try not to focus too much on which I know is easier said than done,  but it wont make the time go any faster making you unwell through constant anxiety and lack of sleep,

    Thinking of you and we are hear for you to chat to as and when you feel up to that.   


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  • Thankyou so much for replying. I'm normally not an anxious person but I am very organised. I think it's the 'being out of control' aspect I'm struggling with. I'm self employed and obviously want to just get everything sorted ASAP (as we all do). I have been very uncomfortable since my biopsy, so I'm hoping once that settles down I'll be able to get back to normality a bit. Thanks again xx