
  • 1 reply
  • 19 subscribers

My 16 year old is nearly finishing his 9 cycles of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy and another 5 cycles of chemotherapy. He has a choice of taking a 5 weeks break before the next 5 cycles start. My son wants to get over and done with it with no break but I think a break will be good just to restore some energy back. What have other done please reply live to hear from you. Thanks 

  • Hi  

    My wife's had 6 cycles of chemo but then they found another more immediate problem and so had to cancel the second six. After they fixed that they tried a different type of chemo and it managed to put her cancer to sleep - and it has been like that for over 10 years now.

    With radiotherapy my understanding is that the effects can show up weeks after the treatment so I can see possible gains in either approach above. Sometimes of course it can look at what else might be going on in the rest of his life. 



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