How do you deal with well meaning friends?

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  • 20 subscribers

Hello. I was diagnosed with a grade 3 uterine sarcoma last November. I’ve had a radical hysterectomy & belt n braces targeted radiation this year. This did fling me straight into menopause. I am very tired all the time & have learnt to rest when I really need it. I have a dear friend who always asks how I am, but then proceeds to tell me “oh we’re all tired, you’ll be fine” rather than ever letting me deal with talking about the fear of a recurrence, I’m not doom & gloom, am quite pragmatic, but I really don’t feel that I am 100% out of the woods yet and I find  her dismissal of my worries quite difficult to deal with. Has anyone else experienced this or has any advice on how to deal with it? It gets so I dread speaking to her because she’s always so relentlessly upbeat. And I don’t always feel that optimistic. 

  • When we get cancer of any kind everything about our lives changes. 

  • FormerMember


    I can relate to the tiredness you feel from treatment and it is nothing like the general tiredness your friend might experience...I just tell people it's a tiredness you cannot sleep off... so I get why this is hard to deal with. I have found telling people what medical people have said about the symptoms to expect makes them better acknowledge what I might be feeling...its just one of those things that unless its experienced first hand it's hard for them to understand. I felt wiped out and looked it for 2 months after treatment and gradually improved so you will get there and I think when you feel more like yourself you will feel more positive about just how far you have come...xx