Sleepless in Sedgefield

  • 4 replies
  • 16 subscribers

Why is it always 3.30 am when I wake up, it's very irritating.  There again there is a lot whirling around my head.  I saw the chest consultant on Wednesday I had been looking forward to being told what treatment they planned for me but not so simple.  He showed me my CT scan which was horrifying.  The primary in my womb has spread throughout my pelvis and the secondaries in my lung are too widespread to be treated with surgery.

Now I am wondering if I should have the pelvic clearance scheduled for the 3rd Feb or just book a cruise and sail away somewhere warm.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Nanci

    I've just started wiped out today. Things always feel worse at night and hope you are feeling a bit better this morning....take care x

  • Thank you Annieapple1

    I rang my specialist nurse first thing this morning and feel much better after talking over my thoughts.  

    What chemo are you having?  I hope you have good nurses who are treating your symptoms.  I had breast cancer 8 years ago and the chemo wasn't too bad so I hope that is the experience you are having.  Very Best wishes Nanci

  • Hi both, my wife had Leiomyosarcoma and it was treated first with Doxorubicin and then with Gemcatabine. PET-CT scans of her lungs show scattered secondaries throughout both lungs and to me remind me most of something like lights on a christmas tree.

    That second round of chemo though - and the hormone blockers she takes to shut down her remaining ovary - seem to have worked magic. Her cancer shrunk some and we have been seeing no evidence of progression now for six years. This year the oncologist said that if things still look the same next year then he will discharge her to the care of our GP - something we never imagined might happen.

    Still it is fun whenever she sees a locum GP, she explains she has leiomyosarcoma and the doctor usually reaches for the computer to look it up - rare cancers do tend to make the doctors sit up and take notice.



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  • Steve thank you soooo much for your post I cant believe that I could have such an amazing outcome as your wife. it is wonderful to see that someone similar to me has had so much life, thank you thank you so much