Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma

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I have been on this sarcoma journey now for 12 years. I was diagnosed in 2009 with Endometrial Stromal sarcoma in the muscle of the womb, after a routine hysterectomy. One ovary was removed, as it was damaged with scar tissue from multiple caesareans, if they had known about the sarcoma they would of removed them both. Fast forward 5 years and the sarcoma had metastasized in both lungs. One tumour had to be removed as it was blocking the bronchial airway, but there were several small tumours throughout both lungs. I had a weeks worth of radiotherapy on the remaining large tumour on the top of the lung.  The sarcoma is oestrogen dependent, so I then started on hormone treatment, anastrozole and zoledex. 

Today I had my oncology appointment to discuss my last CT. I am very happy to say that the treatment has not only shrunk my tumours, so they are almost unmeasurable,  but I have been stable now for 7 years.