• 3 replies
  • 15 subscribers

Is anybody else having problems with this new site? Sometimes I can’t log in, other times I can’t log out. Sometimes, when I’ve logged out, I’m automatically logged back in when I re-visit the site. And sometimes, when I’m logged in, I’m told I have to log in to access a group, which causes me to log out and then log back in again, unless I’m automatically logged in. Sometimes ... and so it goes on. Any suggestions from anyone that will delay my seeking psychiatric help?

  • Lol!!! Think we've experienced the nightmare known as the upgraded site...not!!! I get on via facebook macmillan page, go to on the info section and get on 'eventually' that way. The app didn't work at all so I have deleted it and will try again tomorrow- maybe. 

    Good luck 

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thanks Bootsy! Unfortunately I have to admit (somewhat embarrassedly) that I don’t do Facebook or any of the other social media sites. And boy, do I now regret it! I suspect this site upgrade is MacMillan’s attempt at internet social distancing. And they’ve certainly succeeded. On a more serious note, this site (or at least its predecessor) was an enormous help to me when I was going through the dark days following diagnosis and recurrence. Prognosis wasn’t clear and it was immensely reassuring to be able to read that others had been in the same situation and managed to cope and to reach out to them. It really did make all the difference in the world. I worry about others who have recently been diagnosed or are going through the horrors of recurrence who now have problems getting on to the site, and who may not be able to get the same benefits that I was lucky enough to receive. I’m sure MacMillan will get their act together - they do a fantastic job in so many areas, so I guess they deserve the benefit of the doubt. Good luck to you too! 


  • FB is a blessing and a curse! I started using this site last year and as a non computer/internet savvy person found it ok to use. It's been a pain in the derrierè these last few days!!!  

    Tomorrow is another day