doctor suspects cancer - possible soft tissue sarcoma?

  • 1 reply
  • 14 subscribers

hi all, my primary care doctor is referring me to a surgeon to remove my abdominal tumor and send it to pathology. she said that she was “extremely concerned” about my tumor due to all the symptoms i’m having, she thinks the tumor is causing them, and i’m having a lot of anxiety waiting to find out when my first appointment with the surgeon will be. has anyone here had diagnostic surgery for a tumor about the size of a golf ball? does anyone know what to expect at the first appointment? and most importantly does anyone have any tips for coping with the anxiety of waiting for appointments and tests? i am feeling extremely anxious and worried. thank you for reading and please let me know about any advice x

  • Hi anon513 welcome to the is common practice after surgery for what is removed to be sent for Pathology. This will give the surgeon and subsequently yourself more details of what it is that has been removed and what the plan is to treat this. I'm imagining that your first appointment will involve symptom gathering, a physical examination and a plan of action from the surgeon on the way forward. Keeping busy is the best way to get through the waiting which can be awful. It's not an easy time this waiting and it a degree of limbo. Hope you get word soon about your appointment. 


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