New diagnosis

  • 5 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hi all, am new to the group. My husband has just been diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma in his hand, he was injured in Afghanistan 12 year ago and the metal plates are a huge concern.  After a year of being fobbed off its a cyst they have identified the cancer. Due to metal in hand from IED explosion will now loose index finger.

Is there any information or anyone who has experienced this type of cancer and how long you have been with the cancer or the process of the treatment.

We know it's very rare in adults but are praying it's not anywhere else.

We want to try make sure we understand everything and get as much help we can.

  • Hi  

    My wife's cancer is different, Leiomyosarcoma, but I can certainly relate to a long path to a diagnosis with quite a few detours too. There is information on Rhabdomyosarcoma you can see on the Sarcoma UK site here.

    For Janice surgery was never an option and for a while the doctors went for watch and wait since things did not seem to be changing too quickly. We then tried some chemotherapy but the side effects of that caused some issues - having fixed those they tried a different chemotherapy and that put her cancer to sleep - 10 years now of stable cancer and we live with rather than any other option.



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  • I couldn't just read and leave, my sacorma was also a 'cyst' at first so reading about your husband sounded very familiar. Wishing you all, all the best. 

  • Thankyou for your response, its good to hear cancer was put to sleep.

    Sending hugs  

  • After a few more weeks delay as he tested positive for Covid he is finally starting chemo today 4 rounds, then surgery followed by a further 5 rounds of chemo so fingers crossed Fingers crossed