Myxoid Liposarcoma

  • 1 reply
  • 13 subscribers

I was updated Friday that this is what is suspected for my soft tissue mass which is 17.5cm by 13.5cm. No update on the mass on my pelvis as this was sent to gynaecology which has since sent back to orthopaedic. Chest xray, CT etc booked in. 

But if I'm honest I'm going crazy as the last week my chest has been playing up (I have got controlled asthma and never normally any problems) but this week been getting shortness of breath like I used to when my asthma was flaring and I'm finding it hard not to worry about if it is liposarcoma that it's not spread, especially as I went to the doctors 18 months ago and was sent away diagnosed with a cyst. 

I'm trying not to search online but with a 4yr and 17 month old I'm finding it hard not to fear the worse. 

Has anyone been diagnosed with this after such a long time as me  or have it spread and have a positive outcome? 

Not sure if that's the right this to ask but I'm in need of some positivity. 

Just trying not to be sad by the multiple health professionals (15+) that have sent me away when I e raised regarding my leg. 

Thanks for reading 

  • Hi  

    My wife's cancer is a bit different, Leiomyosarcoma but certainly can relate to the feelings of not being heard. It took a long time before she got to a diagnosis though the most active cancers often get a very quick diagnosis so that could be seen as better news than some.

    Once my wife was diagnosed initially the suggestion was wait and watch since it was not really causing too much in the way of problems. Later they tried chemotherapy and while it had some positive effects the side effects caused more immediate problems - however those were capable of being treated.

    Later again they decided to try a different type of chemotherapy, this time the treatment shrunk the tumors a bit but also seems to have put them to sleep - 10 years plus now of no evidence of progression - living with cancer rather than any alternative.

    For you now they seem to be doing a sensible path but until you get the answers it is natural to worry, somehow if we can recognize that though it can feel less overwhelming.



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