Worried about potential diagnosis.

  • 3 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Hey there! 

I'm just starting this as I'm 19 years old and have already had an ultrasound (they said it was a fatty lump) then got sent to a MRI who also suggested it was a fatty lump but quickly moved me to the Suggested sarcoma diagnosis. I have a phone call tomorrow regarding the phone call but I'm still sickly worried. 

My dad passed away from prostate cancer so the word in general doesn't really help. Plus the survival rates whilst searching the type of cancer they have suggested I have is making me want to throw up worrying about. 

I'm only 19 and my life only just got good. I feel horrible that this could potentially be sarcoma and I'd be leaving behind my worrying mother as well as the boyfriend I just got. 

Thank you for hearing my ramble, I'm just scared of these results. 

  • The good thing is they are moving through with tests very quickly. 

    What type are you thinking it could be if you don't mind me asking?

    I have a Large retroperitoneal liposarcoma, my nephew has named him Bob. 

    Try not to Google too much, that won't help anxiety! I learnt that myself 

  • I'm unsure what the actual form of it could be but it's been potentially labelled under 'soft tissue sarcoma' and it's an obvious lump in my hip. I'll find out what it could be tomorrow but thinking about it is putting mine and my mother's nerves on edge especially with me being young. 

  • Hi I understand how worrying time this is.i was diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma in my breast two  years ago .after treatment I have been in remission for 2 years now .I had check ups every 3 months and now its moved to 6.it id a scary diagnosis and i like you read everything on the internet about it and scared myself. Keep your chin up and stay positive and I'm sure you will get the best support you need .wishing you well