B7-H3 (CD276) testing

  • 2 replies
  • 13 subscribers

Has anyone had their tumour tested for presence of B7-H3 please and if so where did they send it to get it tested? My 13 year old daughter has a rare round cell sarcoma and we are looking at potential trials for CAR T. One of them is in the US and needs the presence of B7 H3 (CD276) but we were hoping to speed things up by doing the pre-testing in the UK. Our current hospital network cannot test for this (RBOH, UCL and Royal Marsden). It was not covered in her original histology and genome biopsy testing. Any help greatly appreciated

  • Hi  

    I noticed that your post hadn't had any replies yet so responding to you will 'bump' it back to the top of the discussion list again.

    I used the search function to look for previous posts which mention B7-H3 but drew a blank I'm afraid. Of course this doesn't necessarily mean that no one here has any experience with this, it could just be that they haven't posted about it.

    I presume you've already asked your daughter's consultant where she can be tested.

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  • Thank you. I think this use of this protein and  testing for its presence it’s still new and not available in the UK. Our oncologist is not able to find anywhere to test either. We have gone back to the hospital in the US running the trial to see if they will help