How to get people talking

  • 6 replies
  • 13 subscribers


On my fb page I am being as open as possible and I want people to talk about how my diagnosis has made them feel and I want the Cancer word spoken. Because I don't want anyone to feel like they need to hide, from me, or the cancer.

Does anyone have any suggestions on getting and keeping the conversation going?


  • Hi Amy

    Many people feel uncomfortable talking about cancer, certainly I have seen people shut down the conversation with things like Janice is looking well. We do have a guide talking about your cancer diagnosis with perhaps the section dealing with peoples reactions being most relevant to what you mention.

    One thing I found when I opened up at work many people sought me out to discuss how cancer had impacted on them and their families and they had never reached out to any one before.



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  • Thank you xxx

    I just had a message from another friend on her own cancer journey who has told me my positivity has helped her get through her journey! That really made me day. 

  • From the time of my diagnosis I was always very often and honest about it all from the type and to get awareness out there as I wouldn’t want anyone else going through what I went through. Unless you’ve had cancer or experienced it just the word makes people kinda awkward and feel sorry for you that you’ve had that experience. Ive always made light hearted jokes around it all. If people/friends want to know about it they will ask you in their own time. Some people won’t want to ask you about it especially when your getting back to life after cancer, it’s always going to be a part of you but I don’t want to chat about it all the time. 

  • I'm letting people come to me when they want to. They know the door is open xxx

  • That’s all good, but some people won’t want full blown conversations about it. Cancer is one of those illnesses that no one likes talking about and it’s a positive thing to have people be confident enough to be open about it as I’m sure there are some who don’t want to talk about their cancer and journey.