Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma

  • 4 replies
  • 11 subscribers


I am currently awaiting further tests to confirm whether I have a liposarcoma. It's all been a massive shock because the issue I'd gone to hospital was a possible lung clot. I've been referred to The Royal Marsden, so know I'm going to be in good hands.

I wondered if anyone with this particular cancer has had a serious lack of appetite. I feel sick at the thought of food and am literally eating morsels, if anything. Anyone have any tips on what I can do for food?

  • Hi  and welcome to our community.

    My wife has Leiomyosarcoma so rather different to you. Good news that you have been referred to the Royal Marsden though as that is one of the sarcoma specialist centers hope you get to see someone soon.

    When my wife was barely eating the doctor gave her ensure drinks but others on here often talk of fortisip. If you talk to a pharmacist they may be able to help you.



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  • Hiya

    im waiting for surgery to remove a retroperitoneal sarcoma and experience exactly what you say in regards to food. Fortisips are definitely the way forward due to the calories. I am not keen on these but they are better than the juice in my opinion. Always drink cold.  I try all sorts of food but all usually quite bland - cheese on toast- and I probably eat two inches square if lucky. Pick at peanuts. And if u think of anything u might want, get someone to go and get it asap whilst you are in the mood!
    I explain to everyone, it’s like them going out for a three course meal and being stuffed then someone says they have to start again! It’s not easy. I have lost over 2 stone due to my diet. BUT the biggest kick is this; if you have to have surgery you have to be fit. So you need to eat. However hard and however little. 

    Get prescribed some good anti sickness tablets and indigestion liquid. It helps

    Good luck 

  • Hi,

    Unfortunately mine isn't viable for an operation and chemo isn't an option either. So am under palliative care now. Xx

  • I am so sorry to hear that. Sending hugs x