What’s a prostate?

  • 6 replies
  • 177 subscribers

Hello. Just in - at basement level - So hi everyone!

and in November if you’d asked me to stick a pin in a body map where the prostate was I might as well have been blindfolded.

Stick pins in me is what happened - ( well biopsy needles as I’m sure you adept bros know)

And before that I went for the PSA as part of blood tests because of age - 70 ;only dropped in on GP since Covid vax put my right arm out of action and I needed to talk of my son who was just diagnosed with MS. More of this later.

I am weird so I quite enjoyed the CT, the mpMRI - with gadolinium contrast, the 870 DR gamma camera  with Technetium (scintillating) and a ultra sound of liver ( I still have one they found - just). The bone scan was on Christmas Eve.

So I’m browsing the menu having had a chat about it all with the man. Recommends the ex radio route with a side order of HT.

I’ve much to read and think and already a lot to say about this ( verbal syndrome - there’s no cure) but laters my new friends. 
Brian directed me here - thanks Brian

And masochists among you ( me too) can read my intro post ‘Reasons to be cheerful’.

23.42pm and past my bedtime so goodnight my new friends.

  • Great post you made me smile. 
    in a very similar position.

  • Hello  and welcome from a wife who is up not so early as I live in Greece. The masochist in me has read your other post and condolences for you on your son. If you don't mind I have attached the link for others.

     Reasons to be cheerful 

    As you like to analyse I have also attached a link to a free book you can download which will give a starter to what will, I am sure, lead to many more questions.


    We are a friendly bunch who can go off piste at times and we have a thread specifically for this which covers a multitude of subjects like food, football, fun and holidays so feel free to join in.

     No Specific Topic 

    To help us help you more specifically then it can be helpful if you update your profile if you are comfortable doing it with the basics like age, initial PSA, TNM, Gleason and biopsy report. This is going to be a marathon, not a sprint, if you are having RT /HT but we will try and help you through it if you want.

  • Good Morning  

    Great that you have managed to find our little corner of the Community - I think you will fit in well here - we do accept Yorkshire men even though I am from the correct side of the Pennines Rose Joy.

    Sadly Prostate Cancer will affect one 1 in 8 men and the good news is that 98% of us will die WITH it not OF it so we try and look on the bright side although we can be serious as well!!

    As you have only just been introduced to your Prostate after 70 year please feel free to ask any questions you need answers to, however trivial - the cracking bunch on here will have the answers.

    Hormone Therapy and Radiotherapy both come with plenty of fee side effects so the best thing you can do for yourself at this time is to try and keep as fit as possible.

    I appreciate you have had/have some problems in life and I very much appreciate you being honest and upfront about everything - the one thing about this group is we don't judge others - we help them.

    Welcome aboard - Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Great post Brian and thanks for advice ( I need a lot) and I did go over the Pennines once and people seemed almost human and went through that rail tunnel to the zoo as a kid. You’ve got The Fall ( we are not worthy), Smiths and Joy division … so what can I say?I hated all the football nonsense after a Wednesday/ City bloodbath (ashamed of our police after Hillsborough/ Liverpool) so moved down to Kent to get away - now a Blades fan has moved in next door!!!

    Yeah will do that profile thing (3-4 by the way) PSA 24 ( mind you blood might not have been done under ideal conditions - cough - awkward shuffle … well nobdy said owt!)

  • Thanks AH . I’ll read that book. ( and everything else there is) Thanks for condolences - I miss him so so much.

    ‘ A friendly bunch’ works for me and sounds like the Lymphoma support group we had going here - quiz nights and darts and walks mixed in with ‘the business’.

    I’d call this ‘Prostate club’ - it sounds fun - but can’t help but think of Groucho Marx saying ‘I wouldn’t want to be part of any club that would have me as a member’

    PS hope Santorini’s stays ok - I did experience an earthquake whilst meditating early morning by a pool on Skiathos - wondered what I’d done - but I guess they are routine for you?

    Hope your husband is ok

  • Yes, we are used to earthquakes but the Santorini ones have caused some concern with over 10K people evacuating.

    My husband has advanced metastatic prostate cancer and is about to undergo more treatment for his 5th recurrence/progression. It is a marathon but we are still fighting.