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  • 123 subscribers

Hello Fellow Community Members

As some of you may be aware 2021 was one of the Covid years. It was also the year that Lorraine (Mrs Millibob) and I both had, shall we say "life changing events" with stays in hospital. Once we were both on the mend Lorraine decided we should have a family holiday before any further of the aforementioned "life changing events" came along. So after 18 months planning:

We will be away from Thursday evening 18 July to Monday evening 12 August 2024. Lorraine and I are off to France, along with our 4 adult children, all 4 partners, all 3 grand children (one only 3 weeks old) oh and all 6 family dogs. As you can expect I will be rather busy so I won't be as active on the Community during this period (although I will pop on if I get chance!!).

The Community Team are aware of my holidays and some of the other Community Champions will be watching over "my flock".

I am sure that you will all continue to offer support to both new and current Community members in the very positive way you all do. Our Community is the top rated peer to peer prostate cancer Community - let's keep it that way.  Thank you to each and everyone of you who continue to provide support to people who start out as strangers and end up being great friends.

To quote Arnie "I'll be back".

Best wishes to all.

Brian - (Macmillan Online Community Champion Volunteer).

  • Have a great family holiday & some well earned relaxation.  I'm sure you will have a few anecdotes you can regale us with on your return.

  • Well we are almost there - another day and it's off we go - and do you know what - I haven't even started packing yet. I have noticed in the last few weeks an increase in deliveries from clothing and shoe shops addressed to Lorraine though.

    Thanks again for all of your good wishes.

    (Oh  something has already happened and will be a nice introduction to my book!! Wink).

    Kind regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Enjoy matey sound fabulous 

  • I hope the suitcase is packed now along with your galleons in full sail. Have a wonderful holiday with the family and come back fully refreshed and fighting fit.

  • Enjoy your time off! Best wishes to you!

  • Have a great time away.

    Follow what I suspect would be your onwn advice - enjoy the moment, revel in friends and family, and find peace and calm from the rush.

    That last is possibly less likely with grandchildren present.

  • Enjoy your fantastic holiday!

    We've been off for a while with family events, visitors and dog sitting duties - wish they could have spread them over the summer but they all seemed to come in June and early July - now just have a retirement do for my cousin's wife left.  We are shattered and just keep looking at the mess in the house and wondering when we can get up the energy to clean up! this is our first free day in 4 weeks and we just want to sleep. - wish we were going on holiday.  Hope you manage to avoid all the computer problems at the airports.

  •   - have a great time in la belle France ….    AW

  • Do we have to wait until the publishing date to find out what it was, or are you planning on drip feeding hints Thinking

  • Good Morning Team

    This is my first log-on for well over a week. Just to say all is well. We have had an amazing time on 2 boats for a week on The Canal du Midi and are now all safe and enjoying the wine, beer and cheese (and weight gain) in a Gite about 60 miles inland from Bordeaux.

    Thanks for looking after one another and I will be back to resume normal service in a couple of weeks.

    Love to you all - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.