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  • 123 subscribers

Hello Fellow Community Members

As some of you may be aware 2021 was one of the Covid years. It was also the year that Lorraine (Mrs Millibob) and I both had, shall we say "life changing events" with stays in hospital. Once we were both on the mend Lorraine decided we should have a family holiday before any further of the aforementioned "life changing events" came along. So after 18 months planning:

We will be away from Thursday evening 18 July to Monday evening 12 August 2024. Lorraine and I are off to France, along with our 4 adult children, all 4 partners, all 3 grand children (one only 3 weeks old) oh and all 6 family dogs. As you can expect I will be rather busy so I won't be as active on the Community during this period (although I will pop on if I get chance!!).

The Community Team are aware of my holidays and some of the other Community Champions will be watching over "my flock".

I am sure that you will all continue to offer support to both new and current Community members in the very positive way you all do. Our Community is the top rated peer to peer prostate cancer Community - let's keep it that way.  Thank you to each and everyone of you who continue to provide support to people who start out as strangers and end up being great friends.

To quote Arnie "I'll be back".

Best wishes to all.

Brian - (Macmillan Online Community Champion Volunteer).

  • Bonjour! 
    good to hear from you and to hear that you are having a wonderful time! 

    Don’t worry about us - we are missing you but holding the fort Slight smile Just enjoy making some wonderful family memories! Blush

  • Brian, I am amazed you weren’t secretly checking on your flock!  Think the team did well in your absence.

    Have a lovely time for the rest of your holiday.  David

  • Keep enjoying yourself.

    Mildly jealous about the cheese, wine and beer part.


  • And there was me thinking you were actually in France as a GB Olympic competitor.  Mind you, sampling wine beer & cheese sounds far more satisfying Beers

  • Good Morning All

    Still on holiday, not dealing with any posts, had a read of a few but all looks to be great. Thanks for looking out for one another.

    It's been a great break having two weeks away from the Community - it's been a mental clear out and just to be able to sit and enjoy the family without having the responsibility of a Community Champion has been great (I am back to it a week on Tuesday). I have missed the banter and the people but the stress of dealing with everyone's issues has been lifted and I have unwound (the wine, beer and cheese have helped).

    Sadly our 16 year old border collie won't be returning with us as he was put to sleep last week. We knew this was on the cards but he enjoyed the last week in France before his cancer got him. His ashes will be returning to England and his sad demise will make way for another rescue dog.

    My bike riding days are also over after falling off twice I have now been banned by Mrs Millibob. (I was sober both times!!).

    To have a long break with all our adult children, their partners and grand children has taken some organisation but for me it's been an amazing holiday. It's the first time for years I have truly relaxed. I have over another week to go.

    Keep well everyone, look after one another and normal service will be resumed later in the month.

    Kind Regards and Love to you all.  - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • I won't say we don't miss you Brian but so glad that the family break is doing you so much good and that the family can pull together over another sad loss for you. Your other family on the forum have been taught well by you and we all look forward to your return. Take care.

  • Sorry to hear that you have lost one of your dogs, but 16 years is a good age for a Collie. We have had four rescue Collie crosses over the years and none of them made it to 16.

    Enjoy the last days of your holiday and we look forward to seeing you back in a couple of weeks.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Hello Brian

    im so sorry to hear about the loss of your dog. Not being a dog owner, it’s something we’ve not experienced but people tell me it’s like losing a member of the family. How lovely that she could spend her last days with you all.

    Re your bike riding - hnnn, we bought electric bikes 2-3 years ago. Score for falls so far - me 2, husband 0. Score for somehow going off the road onto a bank which got ever higher off the road - me 0, husband 1.  

    re a break from the community champion role - absolutely essential!  You can only support others if you are in a good place yourself! 

    so, carry on enjoying that well deserved break and have fun! 

  • Good afternoon All

    Well there we go - well over 3 weeks on holiday in France with the family and I feel amazing.

    It's been a busy 3 weeks and to be honest I have just chilled out. The hardest part of the holiday has (apart from having one of our dogs put to sleep - but it was expected) been the drive there and back.

    I feel relaxed, refreshed and so glad I have taken time out - you don't realise how much being a volunteer takes out of you!!

    Thanks for looking after the shop for me, although I have had 3 weeks off, I may have read the odd post!! Sunglasses.  When you step back and realise how important the help we give to people both stating their journey or on it is, I find it quite humbling!!

    So normal service will be resumed by me from tomorrow (Wednesday 14/08) and thanks again to you all for supporting one another.

    I am starting the day off with my 6 monthly PSA test!! Nerd.

    Kind Regards and Thanks Again - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Welcome home Brian, we've missed you.

    I am starting the day off with my 6 monthly PSA teat!!

    Good luck for that too, I hope it's a good result.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)