• 51 replies
  • 123 subscribers

Hello Fellow Community Members

As some of you may be aware 2021 was one of the Covid years. It was also the year that Lorraine (Mrs Millibob) and I both had, shall we say "life changing events" with stays in hospital. Once we were both on the mend Lorraine decided we should have a family holiday before any further of the aforementioned "life changing events" came along. So after 18 months planning:

We will be away from Thursday evening 18 July to Monday evening 12 August 2024. Lorraine and I are off to France, along with our 4 adult children, all 4 partners, all 3 grand children (one only 3 weeks old) oh and all 6 family dogs. As you can expect I will be rather busy so I won't be as active on the Community during this period (although I will pop on if I get chance!!).

The Community Team are aware of my holidays and some of the other Community Champions will be watching over "my flock".

I am sure that you will all continue to offer support to both new and current Community members in the very positive way you all do. Our Community is the top rated peer to peer prostate cancer Community - let's keep it that way.  Thank you to each and everyone of you who continue to provide support to people who start out as strangers and end up being great friends.

To quote Arnie "I'll be back".

Best wishes to all.

Brian - (Macmillan Online Community Champion Volunteer).