1 week away from my first year living with my diagnosis

  • 18 replies
  • 115 subscribers

I thought I would share my first year of being diagnosed with Advanced PC.

Well I can hoestly say it has not been easy, with being overwhelmed during the first month, not knowing where my life would lead, but after posting and reading what everyone on here says your advice has been a great help

I know I am not alone in this, the treatment has taken its toll on my body but my onoclogy team have been great and my suport nurse is there if I need her, my PSA is at 0.01 and has been for the last 6 months so with all the side effects of taking Enzalutamide and the daily pain is worth it.

I am now sleeping through the night and occasionaly wake for a pee but not as often as this time last year.

Most of all I want to thank all you guys on here for your support, it has ment a great deal to me 

Thank you stay safe and in the words of spock live long and prosper  


  • Well done!!! You are doing great and I honestly don’t know how you guys do it. Just brilliant!

    kind wishes,


  • Chris,

    Great that things are starting to get better.  

    I know with me, the first month or so was the hardest, then into the 3rd week of Radiation I was like a zombie.

    I made a vow I would try to keep working as long as I could through the treatment.  To me working was like therapy, it kept my mind occupied.

    My first year anniversary is 27th May. My PC was localised, Gleason 7 and on 15th February my Oncologist told me that I was in Biochemical Remission.

    I was more stunned than when I was diagnosed.  I expected 'Marching Bands' or at least a 'drum roll', nothing, I was a bit deflated, happy but deflated.

    Now I need to keep my PSA levels between 0 and 2.  Last test on 15th February was 0.09

    I suppose that once my Testosterone machine starts working again it might creep up a bit.

    I can't thank everyone in the Prostate Cancer Support Group enough for their support and advice.

    One more thing, I still haven't had a day off work (if I didn't like my job I would have been off work a lot).

    I'm down to 1 or 2 times a night now, things are starting to get back to (don't know if I can say normal).

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Good to hear you are doing well Chris, I have just passed my 12 month anniversary and I have similar results from being on the enzalutamide and HT injections as yourself. I have started back work on a phased return to build up my hours but have to say I have been struggling more than usual with fatigue, I'm now only managing roughly 4-5 hours on my feet before needed a nap, are you working and how has your fatigue been. 



    "Diagnosed March 2021 at 38 years old with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer, my journey so far is on my profile"

  • Great news Chris. One down with many more to follow.

    Keep the fight going

  • Hi Paul, yes I am working again now, like you  started back on a phased return. I was unable to do my normal job but the company I work for found me a officed based job so I am working from Home and only travel to the office once a week.

    I have found I get tired late afternoon and occasionaly due to the pain my consentration wanders, so what I do is get some fresh air for 20 or 30 mins then go back to it 

    You sound like you are doing well keep going my friend fight this thing


  • Thanks Grundo,Louli,Steve,Paul and Ghostly Comet for you kind words of encouragement, this is what makes this group special.

    I am not Knocking other Chat sites however I sometimes go on War on Cancer, there is a guy on there who clearly needs help and the moderators on their just tell him to seak spiritual guidance What is so good on here is the support  from group members and I have noticed the moderators step in now and again when you write key words its briliant

    They can tell you need help before you realise you do

    Thanks Guys and Gals


  • Thanks mate, I have the same fatigue problems. 



    "Diagnosed March 2021 at 38 years old with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer, my journey so far is on my profile"

  • Well Done Chris

    Hope there are many more years ahead of you


  • Hi Louli,

    How is Mr Louli doing!

    I read your profile.  You know what I got for Christmas?  A Hormone Injection on Christmas Eve.

    My PSA is down to 0.09 now, and as long as it can stay between 0 and 2, I don't require any further treatment (touchwood!!!).

    Steve (SteveCam)