Erectile dysfunction and vacuum pumps

  • 12 replies
  • 116 subscribers

I had robot assisted radical prostatectomy 5 months ago.  I’ve made a good recovery in all respects apart from not being able to get an erection.  I was prescribed Viagra which didn’t work, then Cialis which seems to improve blood flow but hasn’t yet produced sufficient firmness for intercourse.  I had my first consultation at an ED clinic last week and a vacuum pump was recommended.  I’d be grateful to hear any opinions, advice or experience about the use of a pump.

  • Hello BertieBB, I had radiotherapy but ED was still a problem several months after. I was given sildenafil (generic viagra) by my GP and it had a similar effect to the way you describe with cialis - but unfortunately not sufficient.

    I tried a pump and after trial and error I found it was the solution I was looking for. I researched it myself and bought an inexpensive one to try out, this worked but I had to try a number of different constriction rings before finding the one that provided the right level of comfort whilst working effectively. Personally I wouldn't look back now but I have heard they are not for everyone, although defimitely worth a try.

    If you're with the ED clinic you may find it's possible to be prescribed a free pump which would be good - I didn't go down that route so don't know for sure. Obviously you'll need to follow instructions to use it properly.

    I hope you get a satisfactory solution, if there's anything else you'd like to ask let me know.


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Thanks for that. Do you know what choices of drugs are available to help

  • Hello Excavator

    Many thanks for telling me about your experience.  I found it very encouraging.  
    I’d be grateful if you could let me know where you got your pump from.

  • I believe there are one or two in addition to the commonly prescribed viagra (sildenafil) and Cialis - maybe a good idea to ask your GP, as a prostate cancer sufferer you should be entitled to these free on prescription.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi, I'm not sure Macmillan allow product / supplier recommendations, however basic pumps can be bought from online outlets such as lovehoney, anne summers, bondara etc. and vary in price from around £20 upwards - should be OK to try for this price and see if it's useful for you. You'll also need a constriction ring but in my experience those sold by these retailers are not suitable for ED purposes so you'll need to search the internet for "medical grade" or similar - they are more epensive and can be £5 / £10 or so each although I found some much cheaper on ebay a few months ago (sorry, can't remember / find the name of the seller now though). The ring needs to be tight enough to hold an erection but obvs not too tight so as to be uncomfortable and I'd suggest trying a mid - size first unless you're particularly small or big (sorry, no easy way to say that!).

    If you are using the ED clinic they or your GP might be prepared to prescribe a pump and rings etc. which would be much more expensive to buy (I've seen around £80 / £100 plus) so it's worth a try. I didn't use the ED clinic so have no experience of that route.

    The whole process needs a bit of trial and error and might be a bit mechanical / intimidating at first but if it works when other methods have failed you can't knock it really.

    Hope you get sorted, let me know if you've any other questions and I'll do my best to help.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Thanks for all the information, I’ll certainly research the pumps (and rings).  Don’t think I’m likely to need anything exceptional size wise in either direction.

    I’ll also discuss alternative medications with my GP and with the Clinical Nurse Specialists at the hospital.

    I a really appreciate the time yo’ve taken to answer my questions.

  • Hi,

    I had RALP in Nov21 and have been on sildenafil 20mg  and now tadalifil 10mg still getting bad head aches though? I've also been prescribed a SOMA pump which is pretty good although when using it my penis feels cold, looks blueish and lacks sensation is this your experience or do I need to look for different rings or something else?

    Regards Dan

  • Hi Dan 

    I’ve recently been prescribed a Soma pump which I got a week ago.  I’ve used it daily as instructed at the ED clinic for what they called ‘penile rehabilitation’.  It involves using it 10 minutes a day for a month but not using rings. Then I should be ready to try the rings and it will probably be necessary to try different sizes to find what works best.  

    I’m pleased with the results so far.  I haven’t experienced loss of sensation or coldness but without the rings my erection isn’t sustained.  I have been told that when a ring is used the penis can become cold.  Still that’s a few weeks away.

  • We have experienced the same op In nov and prescribed Sildenafil as yourself we asked the ED Drs for the recommended pump and brought it direct from suppliers as it comes with a life time guarantee pricey but it has worked hope this helps