Nanoknife (IRE) prostate cancer

  • 48 replies
  • 115 subscribers


I am looking for folks that chose nanoknife as their treatment and are willing to share their experiences. What were your side effects? How long have you done the treatment? 
Thank you
  • You have put forward a very good argument and sound reasoning Springchicken . You obviously see it could be a gamble but it may pay off.

    I wish u all the best and will be interested to hear how it goes.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I had two incidents of urinary retention, which were unpleasant and stressful.  As explained to me, with smaller tumors the ablated material is absorbed or discharged naturally.  With larger ones like mine, there is a lot of ablated /dead material which cannot be removed naturally and therefore blocked the urinary passage.  A minor turp is necessary in these cases to remove it. Im fine after the turp i had at home but peeing is now all a bit strong and fast - a bit uncomfortable but i guess ill get used to it.  My advice is when undergoing an international procedure is to take time and have a low key holiday there and ensure they remove the cathater and take responsibilty for returning to normal and post procedure issues.  It is not worth rushing or taking on too much is this phase. Lets talk privately.  Grant

  • Hi  Grant,

       Thanks for your info 're  your experiences at Offenbach.I did read your first posting and ,at your mentioning chatting privately  about things, I have been to Offenbach -  April - and am in middle of  pre treatment  hormone  schedule,There are topics  I would like to chat about..

           Best regards, LES.

  • FormerMember


    I had IRE in may 2018 in Offenbuch it was fantastic. My Glissen 3+4, PSA 6.1.

    Interesting that Mr Emberton from London did not recommend the IRE.

    I had problem in flight back to New Zealand, it is meant with cathetor and toilets in airplane. I would recommend stay in Offenbuch hotel untill cathetor will not be removed.

    My MRI after 3 month is perfect, no evidance of cancer and PSA 1.0.

    Also no incontinence, the erection about 90% as it was.

    I still do not believe that it so good, I just will wait 6 and 12 month result.

    The communication and service with Offenbuch clinic is exellent.

    Good luck

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Ido4


    I have had  IRE in Offenbach, Germany, super. It was in May 2018.

    I am happy, all working as it was, MRI does not show the cancer. Actually mr. Emberton from London said NO to my IRE treatment and he recommended a sergery...

    The price in Germany was 20000 euro plus about 2500 for airticket from and to New Zealand.

    I had Glissen 3+4 and PSA6.5.

    Now PSA1.0 and I hope it will be less.

    My mistake was to come back to New Zealand with catheter, I should wait in Offenbuch , remove the cathetor and after fligh back.

    Main strong recommendation and advice to averybody with low cancer: DO EVERYTHING TO AVOID SERGERY OPERATION.

    Offenbuch clinic one of the best.

    Call to Offenbuch, they are very good.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I had Robotic Surgery at Addenbrookes October 2012 Aged 44. No issues with sex or peeing. PSA less than 0.02 ever since. Free on the NHS. I was 50 in June

  • Hi SC,

    I was wondering what the outcome of your IRE was. I just got my biopsy results, so 8+ Gleeson, T2, PSA 9.97, chronic prostatitis. Just like yourself I don't like the options my Irish Urologist is suggesting. I've been under active surveillance now for 1.4 mnths in Offenbach under Dr Stehling, but decided after the last MRI in Jan which was equivocal to undergo a biopsy in Ireland, rather than the 3d biopsy they suggested. Reading your summaries I am a bit concerned that IRE isn't right for 8+ Gleeson, but frankly the alternatives are unthinkable for me, like you I am thinking to buy time.

    If you are still active, can you tell me the outcome of your procedure in Offenbach and what your recommendation is now.

    I am hope everything went well !!

    Best rgds


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mcquik

    Hi Steve,

    Sorry to hear about the diagnosis, when I was originally diagnosed at Gleason 8 I opted for IRE here with a guy called Professor Emberton, the fix left me fully continent and fully potent. It lasted almost two years before it came back as Greason 9. Proff Emeberton said he couldn't treat again because it was so close to the Sphincter. I should have listened but found my way to Offenbach, Mr. Stehling said the Sphincter was no problem so I happily I happily went ahead.

    It was pretty much a nightmare for me there,A long story short the treatment was pretty trauma that will be with me for the rest of my days on this planet, apart from lack of care on the day before the procedure, I woke up in an ambulance on my way to the overnight clinic, where I spent one of the most painful nights of my life, after which Mr. Stehling didn't even have the courtesy to look in on me despite my asking to see him! There were just too few qualified people, and those that were there didn't seem to care too much. To tel the truth, it seemed more about money than saving lives.

    The experience has left me totally impotent and incontinent, not what I set out to achieve. My advice is IRE yes if it will buy some time,

    Offenbach - NO ABSOLUTELY NOT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Forgot to say with a rapidly rising PSA too so I@m not in a good place either!

    anyone out there with any good ideas?

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Springchicken

    It looks like we're both in a very similar situation.

    I'm 55 and just diagnosed.  Had a raised PSI of 4.7 after a health check followed by an MRI, then template biopsy which revealed that I have a localised adenocarcinoma of the prostate, Gleason 7 (3+4) on the right side.  Quite a blow, and my initial research of treatment options looked scary.  I'm lucky enough to have insurance through work, so did a lot of online research and ended up seeing Prof Emberton, who has recommended Nanoknife treatment due to my age, localisation of the tumor within the gland, Gleason score and continued availability of all options should it not be completely successful.

    I'm actually booked in to have the procedure next Friday, so this has all happened rather quickly which is unusual for me...  I normally like to understand all options and researched thoroughly before I make big decisions like this.  However your post has reassured me that I'm making the right decision

    I'd be very interested to hear from anyone who's had this procedure done by Prof Emberton and to know how things are going for them now.  Please comment on here or drop me a personal message if you'd rather do it offline. 

    Thanks all