Nanoknife (IRE) prostate cancer

  • 48 replies
  • 115 subscribers


I am looking for folks that chose nanoknife as their treatment and are willing to share their experiences. What were your side effects? How long have you done the treatment? 
Thank you
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Don't worry you've got the right guy and in time by the sound of it.

    Good Luck!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Singer

    the diagnosis sounds similar, for sure.

    I spent ages assessing all the factors and talking to various experts, professional and family members.

    It sounds right for you, but try and find the head space in the time available to be sure it is. I'm happy with my choice, but am careful to not be the advocate of the procedure when it may prove not such a great outcome for myself or others in years to come. Key to my thinking was your point - other choices remain an option further along the road. 

    Right now, I'm more than satisfied I went this way.

    Best of luck on Friday, and take your time afterwards.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks chaps.

    Feeliing better about the decision now.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I am 1 year plus after nanonife with Emberton 

    friend request to you

  • Hi, How are you doing ? How are you feeling after the procedure ? What are your readings like, PSA, etc. I am looking to go to Offenbach who I've been dealing with the last 1.5 yrs for IRE before the end of July. They had me on AS but after an eqivocal MRI in Jan I decided to opt for a biopsy. After a diagnosis of 8+ Offenbach are advising IRE. While the Germans are good, my own doctor is referring me to Dr Emberton. I would be interested in your view on him and the procedure. In his view what is the likelihood of reoccurrence. Any info would be appreciated. All the best Steve !

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mcquik

    Hey mcquik

    I was sent to see Mr Emberton after my private consultants in Glasgow missed my cancer for over three years.  They use bad quality scanners and they do only trus biopsies.   Not a great experience. All the while as my PSA was rising from 4 to 17.

    off I went London to see Emberton. He found the cancer with one scan. So that gave me confidence in him. He is good, very direct. He uses only the newest treatment equipment with way better scan quality better operating systems and he tries to avoid removing the prostrate at all costs.    The downside is that all this comes at a cost. 

    Since my diagnosis I have had a guided biopsy that gave me the Gleason score, A couple of MRI scans that showed where the cancer was and finally nanonife surgery. Post surgery My PSA dropped to 1. All good until my latest 12month PSA saw a rise.  It is confirmed today that I have new cancer cells right next to where my nanonife treatment was done over a year ago. Yes it’s back. 

    Now Emberton won’t hold your hand or send you a Christmas card he keeps it all very professional.  He has his private clinics on a Tuesday and his private surgeries on Fridays.  I have returned to him to continue my treatment and will next try hifu to remove new cancer growth.  Nanonife is an unknown treatment that promises no side effects after surgery. This is all true but I must add look at me. My cancer has returned.  So I can’t sing it’s praises.  Note: Emberton also does other treatments.   I trust him and I believe he is one of the best in the country. 


  • Hi 64,

    Thanks for the fast response. Very sorry to hear about the new diagnosis, and thanks for the feedback on Dr Emberton. Did he conjecture as to why the Nanoknife failed to kill off the cells? Where they outside the IRE field ? When they did your MRI did they use a rectal coil to enhance the imaging ? Have you considered Offenbach and Dr Stehling ? You can call them direct and ask to speak with Charlotte, she is the woman I deal with.  Look up Prostrate Centre Offenbach. Best regards Steve

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mcquik

    Hello steve

    my recurrence is just outside the nanonife treatment area right on the edge of the gland. Emberton says he is very surprised that it’s back and does not understand this. I asked him if repeating nanonife was an option he says is that as we have new growth he is worried that my body will continue to produce new cancer cells as a response to this treatment. He believes turning to hifu is my next move. My latest biopsy shows it is a very small growth 3mm and that it is confined only to this very small area. 

    I have decided to look at a second opinion from someone in Edinburgh just to see what another set of eyes thinks my options might be. 

    Emberton says if hifu does not work then total prostrate removal is my final move. I am fighting hard to try and avoid that at almost all costs.   

    To to answer your other points. No rectal coil fitted during MRI.    the London based scans have been very clear compared to the Glasgow scans. 

    I looked closely at Offenbach and weighed up there as an option. For me London won out.  As I said previously I trust Emberton 100% but I am at all times cautious about the outcome of these new treatments effectiveness.  On Thursday Edinburgh will review my treatment up to now and give me their two bobs worth of opinions and with that I will move forward I expect into hifu treatment.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to mcquik

    Hello steve

    my recurrence is just outside the nanonife treatment area right on the edge of the gland. Emberton says he is very surprised that it’s back and does not understand this. I asked him if repeating nanonife was an option he says is that as we have new growth he is worried that my body will continue to produce new cancer cells as a response to this treatment. He believes turning to hifu is my next move. My latest biopsy shows it is a very small growth 3mm and that it is confined only to this very small area. 

    I have decided to look at a second opinion from someone in Edinburgh just to see what another set of eyes thinks my options might be. 

    Emberton says if hifu does not work then total prostrate removal is my final move. I am fighting hard to try and avoid that at almost all costs.   

    To to answer your other points. No rectal coil fitted during MRI.    the London based scans have been very clear compared to the Glasgow scans. 

    I looked closely at Offenbach and weighed up there as an option. For me London won out.  As I said previously I trust Emberton 100% but I am at all times cautious about the outcome of these new treatments effectiveness.  On Thursday Edinburgh will review my treatment up to now and give me their two bobs worth of opinions and with that I will move forward I expect into hifu treatment.


  • Hi Glasgow,. I remember u from a previous post regards your experience.

    Only  thing that I would say is ,  why go back to the same consultant who failed with the first attempt , ( I think u mentioned £12k lighter)  also going from one non mainstream treatment to another non mainstream treatment.  Why not consider a good old fashioned dose of RT? U have already said that u don't want surgery

    If u were to go for hifu probably consider whole prostate hi Fu rather than focal just in case there are any hidden areas not obvious on the MRI. You have already had one of there hidden areas emerge.

