Preparation for surgery

  • 36 replies
  • 137 subscribers

I have a date for my RALP, 2 weeks! It's come a little quicker than I'd thought and looking for advice. I am anxious about the catheter to begin with. What tends to be provided on discharge? I'm considering getting some sort of fixation device? Has anyone used these or do you tend to leave hospital with one? 

I'm thinking I'll leave hospital with catheter bags etc so not sure what else will be helpful, apart from kegels, baggy pants, laxatives and a bucket! 

Any advice on what might be useful will be gratefully accepted.

Thank you 


  • Thank you so much for your reply. The group has been amazing, through the tortuous waiting period for results etc and now. 5.5 hours! That would have been nerve-wracking. I got the pack from prostate cancer UK and have scoured the forum for others continence experiences.

    The surgeon said the catheter could come out at 7 days but that would be a Saturday so think it will be Monday. They gave me extra bags to manage. 

    I got a cushion from Aldi's centre isle last weekend. It looks similar to the Orthotex one which is quite comfortable. I'm amazed at how often I'm emptying the catheter bag! Given that my mouth has been very dry after the op so drinking loads. I have dihydrocodiene for pain and macrogel for getting me moving! My operation was done at Chorley Hospital. The staff were wonderful and an asset to the NHS. 

    Early days but fingers crossed. Thank you again. 


  • Great news,I’m waiting news off results for Lung Cancer should hopefully hear tomorrow,I know I’ve got it but which kind,have also prostate cancer as well but caught early so on hold until I deal with this latest setback,I’m still on HT since April so should keep it at bay xx

  • First night in my own bed! Fiddled around with catheter bag position. Used a bucket for the night bag as others have done and seemed to drain well. Stomach cramps kicked in getting me up around 6. Dihydrocodiene seems to help the discomfort. My wife had to help me to get out of bed but I'm sure that will improve over the next few days. Urine is clear and I'm moving around fine once up. Catheter has caused no discomfort but bell end a  bit gunky so will wash it in the shower. Can't have a proper shower as they used glue for the abdominal wounds. So far I'm pleased with progress for anyone preparing for there's! Take care folks. Robert. 

  • Hello Robert ( 

    I have been following your journey but not commented up to date.

    I had an indwelling catheter for 11 months. The answer is to wash the end of the penis where the catheter tube enters every 24 hours. Pull back the foreskin if you have one and use cooled boiled water to wash the area. No matter how clean you keep yourself there will be "gunk" there.

    We are all different but I tended to empty my leg bag once it was about half full - I just felt happier knowing the capacity was there - you never know where the next toilet is!!

    Thank you for keeping everyone up to date - the more "lived experiences" we have the better for people to know what to expect.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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    • Hi , RAS1961 . I'm 12 days post op. I left my night bag on the bedroom floor and there was only one night that the leg bag didn't drain into it. I'm not sure why as the tap was open and there were no kinks in the tube. It did wake me up & i stood up to drain the bag. No drama's after that. I did get pain through not being able to pass wind , which sorted itself out within 3/4 days. Also shoulder pain from the gas , which cleared up within 3/4 days. I would unstrap the bag from my leg and kneel in the bath for my daily wash down. Some blood in the pee which is expected & it's a bit painful having a pee. Tender around the stomach,  but getting stronger each day. Good luck. 
  • Thanks for that information. Hopefully will start passing gas soon enough. There's so much I could do a symphony I'm sure Grin Booked in for catheter removal next Tuesday. Fingers crossed

    • I've no shoulder pain but occasional Titanic bubbles rattling round my abdomen which can be uncomfortable. They've settled a bit as the day wore on. 
    • I have 2 friends with lung cancer, one appears to responding well to immunotherapy! The other, a friend of over 40 years is now 7 years since his lobectomy. He's a tough old boot that one. I wish you well with your journey. You sound a resilient man but don't be alone with your thoughts. Take care my friend and thank you for your reply. 
  • 2 good nights. We have a good night time set up and my wife has been amazing. I'm very lucky. Went out for a walk yesterday. Not far, about 400m but felt like I'd achieved something. Want to get the bowels working but seems no one finds this easy. 

    Wrapped my midriff with cling film this morning and managed a shower. Bliss! Recovery remains uneventful. Catheter out on the 27th and think that's when the hard work starts. 

  • I’ve got the tunnel vision on while the whole family is cracking up,I’m just not giving in to this disease it’s slowed me down a bit but I can take that,that’s 2 and a half weeks now and still waiting for results their getting until Thursday then I’m phoning up xxx