Preparation for surgery

  • 36 replies
  • 137 subscribers

I have a date for my RALP, 2 weeks! It's come a little quicker than I'd thought and looking for advice. I am anxious about the catheter to begin with. What tends to be provided on discharge? I'm considering getting some sort of fixation device? Has anyone used these or do you tend to leave hospital with one? 

I'm thinking I'll leave hospital with catheter bags etc so not sure what else will be helpful, apart from kegels, baggy pants, laxatives and a bucket! 

Any advice on what might be useful will be gratefully accepted.

Thank you 


  • Recovery remains uneventful! Nothing really to report apart from everything has started to move,Grinning. Stomach is less gassy and no longer distended. I'm moving around well but current weather has impeded walks out. 

    One point though. On post operative anticoagulation, Fragmin. They've been a little painful. I had to self inject them for a month earlier this year after fracturing my ankle skiing. The injections provided were much kinder. Sharper needles probably. Prescribed in France as opposed to NHS. I remember from doing COVID vaccines that there's a marked comfort difference depending upon manufacturing. A minor point but I'm a man of a certain age and have to find fault with something! Have a good weekend folks. 

  • Catheter out tomorrow. I guess this is when the hard work starts! 

  • Hello  

    It’s simple and painless. Lie back breath in and it’s gone. 
    I wish you well with your recovery- we are all here for you - any questions feel free to ask.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  •  - you’ve got a great attitude and I’m sure you’ll crack on with the hard work to get full urinary control in no time.   Keep us informed how it goes - we’re all rooting for you..     AW

  • The catheter was removed yesterday morning, without discomfort! Given that it's not a pleasant feeling but over in seconds. I then had to pass urine and be scanned to ensure adequate voiding. I'm quickly bored in waiting situations. Hate traffic lights etc! I drank about 2l of water in the waiting room and as soon as I felt a tingling said I was ready. Passed 67 ml! Not enough said Nurse Ratchet. Over 100 required. More water added but with the kidneys kicking into place I was soon back. Here came the 1st taste of what I thought it might be like! "I'm desperate now!" Starting to leak into the clinic provided pad. The test jug was quickly put in place and once it started it wouldn't stop, with a force I've forgotten! A little bit of blood came as well but all was well and I passed the test. Good flow and empty bladder when scanned. 

    Once home I put on tena pants but to be honest, everything has been fine? The pants have been dry and I woke once in the night. Couldn't be more pleased! Just a pad today. Have had a number of wee's, the need to go feels slightly different to before and the flow seems to start as soon as you bring him out to play, but no leaks. 

    It's early days but very pleasantly surprised so far. I feel very lucky. I did kegal exercises for a period before the operation and hope this helped. 

    I was daunted at the thought of surgery but for those contemplating it, my experience has been very good. Little or no discomfort post op and the catheter very bearable. The seat cushion with a hole in the centre has been very helpful as sitting for periods with the catheter can be uncomfortable. 

    I'll carry on the kegal exercises but I'll also have to start using the vacuum pump! For another day! 

  • Good Evening  

    Great positive post. I am so pleased all is going well for you. Thank you for keep posting - it's an asset to the Community to know that your journey is going well and it will help future members when it comes to a choice.

    May the recovery continue! Smile.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you Brian. I scoured the forum for information as soon as I had my MRI results. It was a dark period but members were so kind and positive when I posted. Every post brings help and knowledge. 

  •   , what a great post. We worry most about the unknown and our minds race away, particularly at the beginning.  Apart from the biopsy, all my treatment has been easier than I anticipated, but it hasn’t stopped me worrying.  Best wishes for the future, David

  • My recovery continues! I have noted occasional stress leaks but minimal. I note the temptation to void regularly and feel I need to retrain the bladder. Little and often probably isn't the best approach!

    I am using the vacuum pump daily and taking Viagra 50mg every third day. The surgeon was keen to commence this after catheter was removed. 

    The pump does assist and I'm hoping will undo the retreat! There's been a penile shortening and studies indicate a vacuum pump can assist a reversal? 

    No full erection yet but early days. I've seen a video where it says to treat the use of a pump, like doing daily press ups! Onwards and upwards! Hopefully. 

    Take care folks. 

  • Hello  

    Onwards and upwards! Hopefully. 

    I can' help but smile JoyJoy - you've just got to have a sense of humour with this cancer and you've hit the nail on the head.

    Trust me, you are on the right path. Almost 3 years on Hormone Therapy and I have to send in a search party to find the little fella when I need a wee (I know - too much information!!).

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.