Terrified Wife again

  • 16 replies
  • 149 subscribers


Thank you to everyone who took time out their day to respond to me, it has given us both a little comfort in this time of chaos.

I have another question if that is okay...

If you are starting the hormone injections, how soon will you get another blood test to check the PSA level?

Thanks again

  • With my husband, it is usually 2 weeks before you see the Consultant Oncologist, but I usually ring or email the MacMillian Nurse at the hospital a week after it has been taken, so we are aware of the outcome, but I guess we have been lucky that she tells us , I’m not sure if she would tell us if it was bad. Keep your chin up. Your emotions will be extremely high at the moment, you will have been bombarded with a lot of information and it takes a lot of time to digest it all. Thinking of you 

  • Thank you for that 

    Appreciate it 


  • Hello  

    It varies depending upon your team and their regime. More often than not it's a couple of weeks before any appointment as  said. After that it tends to settle down to six monthly.

    To help us help you without keep asking questions - are you able to throw a few details on your husbands profile. Initial PSA, Gleason Score and TNM results. To do this on your home page click on the chair - top right - then "profile" and then "edit". You can view my profile by clicking on my avatar - but you don't need to write a book!

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hello AFLMF, 

                          as others have stated PSA blood test is done before Oncology appt. I see the Oncologist every 3 months and the cancer co-ordinator drops a PSA blood test form in at the phlebotomist at the hospital a week before the appt. I find it much easier to get it done at the hospital as it is a 'walk in' anytime rather than our G. P. as they only do blood tests once a week and are usually heavily booked. 

       Hope all goes well with your husband's treatment.

    Regards, Geaham. 

  • Hi  .

    If you are on the Bicalutamide tablets followed by the hormone injection or implant then you would expect the PSA and testosterone levels to take 7-8 weeks to show a considerable reduction. If you are on the monthly hormone injection without prior Bicalutamide tablets then the reduction is a lot more rapid. I would make sure that you have a testosterone test to demonstrate that the implant is having the desired effect as occasionally it can fail, be administered incorrectly or not be effective and need to be substituted for another one. You will normally have another blood test before you are due to have your next implant.

  • Hi AFLMF,

    It's usually three monthly blood tests, My OH has his PSA and Liver tested every month which is a lot because it makes us very twitchy at the slightest change,, but it will be changing to three monthly soon which seems to be the norm.


  • Hi Brian

    I have also updated the profile thanks

    Sorry.... it is T3bn1m1

    Gleason score 3 + 5 = 8

    Spread as far as humours


  • Thanks  

    That's great - it helps when replying to your posts so we know where you are.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.