Surgery or Radiotherapy? Decision made!

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Decision made.  I’m pT3a, N0 M0 (see my profile for details ).  My extensive research points to a combo treatment of HT / RT / Brachy (NHS and NICE approved).  MDT met again a couple of days ago and their recommendation (without my input) was the same.  I had a consultation at Addenbrookes yesterday with a top prostatectomy surgeon and he agreed with me that my decision was the best one, as surgery would carry at least a 30% chance of recurrence.  So I collected my prescription on way out!   I took my first bicalutamide tablet taken this morning… the treatment is underway. Just over 62 days (NHS target) since GP referral so well done to them after a thorough diagnosis.  I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders with regards to timelines (chasing the NHS, politely!), but I’m under no illusion that the next few months of treatment will present challenges.  My wife and I are a strong team and we intend to take everything in our stride and, hopefully, this curative pathway will prevail.  Here we go…..wish us luck! 

  • No way!  Got to be Millibob

  • Ah and therein lies a story - before we had children - when things were sepia (not even black and white) I had (and still do have) an interest in steam engines and in the fullness of time became a qualified steam engine driver - and my surname is Millxxxxxx. One of the Birmingham lads as they do said it was too long and abbreviated it to Millibob and it stuck.

    Another "nickname" I have is "The Amiable Mollusc" and if you are old enough to remember "The Magic Roundabout" (5.55pm BBC1 Monday - Friday) that was what Dylan called Brian the snail.

    My Grand Children just call me "Grumpy"  To be honest I am happy with them all!! JoyJoyJoy

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Had a serious wobble yesterday. Definitely not Alpine Warrior behaviour. My wife and I have had both son and daughter plus respective partners (plus our little poppet of a granddaughter) home for early Christmas over the weekend. Brachy op tomorrow morning, so I’ll be radioactive Radioactive️ for a couple of months afterwards (hence the early Christmas). Unfortunately, I broke down yesterday afternoon- it came out of nowhere, I tried to get out of the room so as not to upset anyone and only just made it outside when my legs and arms went to jelly and I went to the floor, sobbing. I’m getting tears writing this. I know I have a good chance of cure but the recent reversal of the PSA drop has been playing on my mind and I’m also worried about my 66 years of great health being badly damaged by radiation. I know many of you great people are in a worse position grading wise, so I feel guilty about venting some of my pressure on here. At the same time, I know what you’re all here for, so I guess I’m reaching out. I just want my old life back

  •  I actually feel better for getting that off my chest. Thanks in advance for listening, friends.

  • Vent away Alpine Warrior (I'm sure he will soon be back). Don't beat yourself up, just remember the lovely early Christmas you had with the family and why not organise a belated New Year's get together for when you are no longer radioactive. Not everyone can light up their own Christmas tree.

    I'm sure everything will go well tomorrow and let us know how you get on. Thinking of you and a big hug.

  • Hey AW - Not a problem, it's easy done, we are all human - we all carry the same burden - it's much better letting it out than bottling it up.

    So far in two years of Hormone Therapy - I have been helped out of a funeral, broke down on Remembrance Sunday, cried my way through a carol service and fallen apart at more than one family meal.

    Every time it happens I remember the oncologist's two words "Curative Pathway". I know I am not going to be 18 again - but there's fight in the old dog yet.

    You are DOING GREAT this time on Wednesday you will be looking back thinking I am on my way back to being my old self

    WELL DONE YOU for being open about it - All the best for tomorrow - remember CURATIVE TREATMENT

    Best wishes - Brian ThumbsupMuscleThumbsup.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Not everyone can light up their own Christmas tree.”   Bless you - that made me literally laugh out loud Joy 

  • Thanks Millibob - very reassuring. To be fair to myself, we were visiting my 88 year old Mum at the time : she is bed bound in a nursing home on end of life care. Not sure if she will still be with us when I’m next able to visit.  Probably contributed to the extreme emotional event. I did recover quickly and she didn’t see me as I made it through the door, and she was facing the other way (she has to be “turned” by the nurses every two hours as she has grade 3 bed sores) x

  • Alpine wanderer I think suddenly our emotions can take over and we can't do anything about it, best just to go with them. Never feel guilty about venting that is what we are here for, to help each other through the rough and the smooth. Today I feel a bit off, I have been thinking about my late parents who both died within a few weeks of each other in 2018. The good thing is I know I will bounce back, I have to keep strong for my husband as he is the one with cancer not me. Hope you are starting to feel better today 

  • AH sheer genius - the thought of lighting ones own Christmas tree lights made chuckle!

    Trying to get fit again!