Surgery or Radiotherapy? Decision made!

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Decision made.  I’m pT3a, N0 M0 (see my profile for details ).  My extensive research points to a combo treatment of HT / RT / Brachy (NHS and NICE approved).  MDT met again a couple of days ago and their recommendation (without my input) was the same.  I had a consultation at Addenbrookes yesterday with a top prostatectomy surgeon and he agreed with me that my decision was the best one, as surgery would carry at least a 30% chance of recurrence.  So I collected my prescription on way out!   I took my first bicalutamide tablet taken this morning… the treatment is underway. Just over 62 days (NHS target) since GP referral so well done to them after a thorough diagnosis.  I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders with regards to timelines (chasing the NHS, politely!), but I’m under no illusion that the next few months of treatment will present challenges.  My wife and I are a strong team and we intend to take everything in our stride and, hopefully, this curative pathway will prevail.  Here we go…..wish us luck! 

  • Hi AW (I can't get myself to use your usual name after WW's technical error:).

    Never feel guilty about venting that is what we are here for,

    and she's 110% right - it's OUR Community and we are here for one another.  We all have a life outside the Community too You might not have noticed but I wasn't about online much over the weekend - I was at football and then with family -but I did notice - anyone posting got a response - that's what we do!

    And I can understand how you felt visiting your mother - these hormones play hell with your feelings - but credit where credit's due you have been amazing supporting other Community members in their personal journeys so it's a big personal thanks from me for all your help since you have been here!

    Now tomorrow - When you get to the hospital - take my strapline with you:

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance and VICTORY - you will be brilliant tomorrow!!

    Keep the faith - Brian.


    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • AW, think it is quite normal and acceptable and in the same situation I would have blubbed as well.  Hope all goes well tomorrow.


  • Sorry to read about this Alpine WARRIOR(!!!!!)If it’s any consolation my husband did more or less the same thing prior to  RT. I’ve just asked him about his wobble. He says it was just the build up of everything, nothing seemed to be straightforward and he was frightened about what would go wrong next. The straw that broke the camels back was the enema!

    try not to worry about the PSA - as I’ve said, we had the same and the oncologist totally dismissed our fears! It’s too minuscule a rise, apparently!

    I am sorry to hear that your Mum is in a poor way. It’s tough losing a parent and tough knowing this might be her last Christmas. You will miss her terribly but I think she is a ‘big age’? I was with my father when he was approaching death. I told him he had been a wonderful father, that he had worked hard for us all, that we all loved him but his work was now done and it was time for him to let go and just rest. He died about 20 minutes later. I hope he heard what I said. My turn for tears now .

    we are all entitled to shed our tears - it shows we are human and that we have our very human emotions!

    i hope your day goes smoothly tomorrow. Let us know how you are . Remember, your the warrior in this battle and its all aimed at getting you wandering over those mountains again;)

    hugs x

  • What a beautiful message - thank you from the bottom of my heart Heart️. Currently watching the Strictly final on catch, then early to bed. We leave home at 05.40 to arrive Addenbrookes at 07:00. 

  • Your Dad sounds like your hero - what a lovely peaceful way to go

  • I didn’t appreciate just how very much he meant to me until that last night. He told me some lovely things too! One of the things he said was that he knew I had always had it tough but he had always been so proud of me and what I had achieved. I couldn’t have done anything without his support and love. I was studying for an OU degree at the time and he said he was so proud and pleased I was doing it. I got my degree, then my Masters and then my PhD. I dedicate them to him because his last words got me through all that study and the tough times when I was struggling with essays and, eventually, the thesis!!!

    we all have an inner strength that we don’t know we possess. It’s struggling and getting through one challenge that gives us the confidence to tackle the next upheaval the comes along in our lives. 

  • Just popped on and seen your having the procedure in morning, keep that smile on your face and hope it finally gets the bloody C out and kicked into touch , my turn in two weeks for same , that’s if the c diff I caught in hospital last week clears up , jonnymac 

    Cheers , Jonny mac

  • Thanks for all my friends’ support and, and requested, here is the report of my day yesterday:

    0545: left home and arrived Addenbrookes 0700.  Check in and told I was first on the list!  My surgeon Christof Kastner is one of the top UK Brachy surgeons (over 1,000 ops) so I felt very reassured.  

    0830: entered op theatre - at least a dozen staff in there - impressive!  Op took 1 hr 15

    1115 (!) and I woke up in recovery ward.  There was a Geiger counter on the table by the bed!  Two cups of tea, a jug of water and two sandwiches later I went for my first tentative pee …

    1330: all working … slowly, and nurse came to measure the residual left in my bladder.  Her eyes were wide when she said there was 830 ml still in there! Various other checks, all OK.

    1500: Down to 600ml,  1600: down to 400ml, 1800: down to 250ml.  18:30 discharge. 19:45 home. 20.15 dinner with lots of water. All working well. 21.30 bed.

    I woke up at 0700 and made Mrs AW tea & toast and now sat up in bed!

  • Hey AW - That sounds fantastic - 

    All working well.

    I love this bit - let's hope it stays that way. - Have a great recouperation and I hope it all goes well.  I assume you are now a fully fledged "radioactive card carrier".  Don't get too close to Mrs AW - we don't want her "All Aglow".

    The question I have to ask - on behalf of everyone you understand - Does / Did it hurt?

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Brilliant news and a speedy recovery. Are the Christmas tree lights any brighter now?